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Greetings friends,


I hope this finds you well!


After a small break for a little travel & general life shenanigans I am pleased to return with the latest edition in the Dreamtime Diaries psychedelic chill series.


This one starts a little dark & creeps slowly yet surely towards the place where we need to be. The message is about perseverance, & making things happen regardless of what our goals are. Just keep turning up, put the hours intruly get stuck in & have fun playing with options...sooner or later the desired results will manifest.


Enjoy the journey, & as always big thanks to all the artists for their wonderful music! Forever in your debt!


1. Dead Melodies - Superficial Stasis

2. Kaj. - Human

3. Owen Ear - Expectation

4. Nibana - Far Eden

5. Easily Embarrassed - Nothing But Spirit

6. Soulacybin - The Activation Part 2 (Sequencing Complete) ft. Alaya Love

7. Tanina Munchkina & Ajja - Equinox

8. Sk P - Eye Earth Part 2

9. Whithe X & Introvert - Alone

10. Indigolab - Medicine

11. Man of No Ego - Galactic Girl

12. Tripswitch - Deer Park (Joey Fehrenbach remix)



PS: Remember sharing is caring!

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