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where to find current reviews?

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Guest BrettFromTibet

I really miss how this site used to be! Lots of new reviews, news, and

a lot of critical evaluation on the new releases from the psy-trance community.


I find I BUY a lot less CDs now that there is not so much feedback

from the community. I'm unwilling to risk internationally shipping in

a CD that I might not listen to. I need more than just a 40 second realaudio sample before I type in my credit card number, I need to hear the

hypercritical nitpicpkings from psychedelic audiophiles who have given

the new releases a whole bunch of listens in various states of mind.


I used to read about ll the new artists here , and buy a lot of the acclaimed

and "RED" ones. I often felt very satisfied - and din't go wrong much.


The form here is decent, but where do I find the serious reviews and feedback on the new releases at this space?!

Guest Kiph T. Elephant

I guess once the new version of the site is ready, people should be able to add reviews on new releases. In the mean time you can find reviews at:






Guest Gerardo

I understand what u said

No other place make and give the kind of information that this page provide in the past.

I to sufer the same at the time to buy a CD.

If you find a place that make the same or better, please let me know

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