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20 years ago today the first episode of Evangelion aired, and today I'll start a little project where I'll (try to?) watch an episode a week until the end of the series. With 26 episodes that means that I'll watch the last episode at the end of next march :)

I haven't watched the series in well over a decade, let's see if this becomes some kind of a nostalgia trip.

And I haven't really decided yet how to handle the director's cut versions of episodes 21-24; either I'll watch them right after the originals (meaning 2 episodes per day for those) or then I'll watch the entire original series first and then backtrack to episode 21 for the DC versions, and finishing it all off with End Of Evangelion (which actually makes a bit more sense as it replaces the last 2 episodes of the TV airing and IIRC continues the story from the DC versions). Also to decide is should I watch the DC versions in one sitting or continue with one episode per week, extending the project to next april, and finishing with EOE on...may 1st :D


Anyway, it's a classic. And also, towards the end more and more really fucked up shit :)


I watched it for the first time a couple of months ago. It felt like something that builds and builds to nothing. Like an incomplete idea. I liked it though, a lot actually.

I haven't watched the End Of Evagelion cause I've heard that the creator was pushed to make it and I hate when fans do this shit.


Well, as much as anything concerning the last episodes of Evangelion makes any sense, EOE makes at least a bit more sense than the original last 2 episodes. I can't remember if Anno was "pushed" to do EOE or if it was more along his original vision, but the fact is that the last about 10 episodes of the series suffered from less and less budget and the whole production team was really struggling to finish the series.

So basically, I'd recommend you watch EOE and then draw your own conclusions :)


And also, so far I've seen only 2 of the new Rebuild movies (the fourth should be out, ehm, "soon"...). The first one was great. The second, not so much.

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