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from goa to nitzo

2h03 starts at 145bpm...



dragon twins - the third wave

dimension 5 - omega centaurus (imba remix) [uNRELEASED]

imba & hisia - elysium island [uNRELEASED]

imba - blacklight beings [uNRELEASED]

etnica - phtalic vibe (morphic resonance mix II) [uNRELEASED]

prana - alien pets (filteria remix)

jaraluca - existence

proxeeus - chandra knows

friends from tau-ceti - infinite zen

morphic resonance - epsilon aurigae

e-mantra - metempsychosis

proxeeus - ayahuasca

filami - ingenuous curiosity

radical distortion - homo universalis

ra - reign of madness (alienapia remix)

omegahertz - entorpia

morphic resonance - vektogram

jaraluca - illumination

omegahertz - weltraum wesen

sky technology - aural planet

jbc arkadii - the world of spirit

sky technology - proto-knowledge

triquetra - tanaya at akhila [uNRELEASED]

persistent aura & agneton - iztam-yeh

ephedra - landscapes from heaven (extended version)

and thanks for using goapal airline ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

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