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Artist: Various

Title: Butterfly Effect

Label: Harmonia Records

Date: 2004


1. Tristan - No Boundaries

2. Ion - E-Tom

3. Anax - Libria

4. Wizzy Noise - 10 'o clock

5. Tikal - The World Is Yours

6. Ion - Industry

7. Overlap - Sunglasses

8. Polaris - A.I.

9. Unison - Porno Trance





"There's only two syllables in this whole wide world worth hearing...pussy!"


And it goes downhill from there.


You know what I took from this? Tristan has been making the same f*cking track for over a decade. That is some sad sh*t.


And....that's all folks! Like a peep show from the twenties ain't nothing to see here. It's full-on through and through. Trying to pick the best track is like choosing the best smelling fart. The butterfly effect states that small changes in a complex system can have dramatic effects elsewhere. So if all of us just stopped buying this drivel it's possible that we could eradicate AIDS. Cure Cancer. Or perhaps (and I'm dreaming here) erase the Kardashian plague from the planet.


Whichever time stream pans out everyone's a winner.




I think Wizzy Noise had one of their more memorable tracks here. Also Ion has an interesting take with the track Industry on what could be considered Electro Full On :D

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