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Hi guys and girls.


Wondering if anyone here has tinnitus/constant ringing in the hears. How did you get it? Is it very loud? What kind of sound is it? How do you cope with it? Are you making somekind of treatment?


I got mine about three months ago from listening to very loud music on headphones. The result? Tinnitus and a bit of hearing loss on the left hear. My tinnitus is not so severe and I'm getting used to it. I can only hear it when there's no back noise, so mostly at night when I go to bed. But it has done some impact on my life. I've been worrying that it might get worse so I bought earplugs to use when I'm in places with loud noise. I'm still listening to music but at very low volume. This is creating a problem because I'm a home Dj and I need to use my headphones. I go into lot of detail in my mixing so I need to listen properly to the tracks at a reasonable volume. I'm wondering if there are Dj's out there that face the same problem. As a Dj with tinutus what do you do?


I know that most of us like listening to loud music, but be carefull because the ringing in your hears after a night in a party or dance club might not go away. Stay safe and use earplugs boys and girls!

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I have severe tinnitus from anxiety and only benzos removes it.

but Its one of those things I just have to live with. hopefully that too will be gone after a while.

so sadly I have no advice other than the fact that falling to sleep to low volume film/series is a must because then the brain hears that over the tinnitus and ure able to sleep.

so every single night I sleep with some form of sounds in e background and 99% of the time it's always sunny in philadelphia cause I've seen all episodes at least 20 times so it's something like a bedtime story I have easily can relax to cause I know all the words and don't have to pay attention.





Are benzos drugs? I sometimes also listen to background music while going to sleep. It helps.


yes, bensodiazepines; they are addictive sedatives that causes massive and deep physiological, psychological and biological depenance. stay away unless the other option is suicide.

Music doesnt do it for me though, it has to be speech, and series that i love are perfect cause its mostly dialoge.

so its a form of sheep counting, only i "count" the words i hear.. or something to that effect...


I have Tinnitus on left ear caused by a variety of things(Loud noises, Otoxic medication). Mine gets louder from alcohol, not sleeping well, headphone use for a prolonged duration, tinny noises(like white noise), Magnesium and thinking about it. I've had it for +2 years so I've gotten used to it. It was absolute nightmare at the start though, it really destroyed my psyche for a while.


Last night I had pulsatile tinnitus where I heard a swoosh sound with every heartbeat. I think it was caused by flushing my nose as the ear connects to the Eustachian tubes.


I also have tinnitus. I quit dj'ing long time ago because of this and i'm a sound and light tech so i need my ears badly for my job.

From my work i got pro ear plugs made specially for my ears and with linear db filter. This is perfect. Don't think it got worse since i got it but i am very carefull now.

Got used to live with it i guess :-)


I also have tinnitus for 5 years or more from loud music with headphones, at concerts, parties etc. Mine actually got triggered by a concert at a theater play... go figure :/ so yes, everybody listening to loud music and haven't gotten tinnitus yet, be aware, since nobody is immune, and everybody can get it, sadly!


To begin with I got very worried, and it affected my ability to read and concentrate (as it was invading my concussion thoughts), now I got used to it... I am also less intolerant to noise now, compared to the first 6 months, they were bad! I miss complete silence though. And I need earplugs when I go out, I use it at bars as well even without music as people shouting/talking loud also strains my ears... I feel that helps a lot, otherwise I can easily get uncomfortable and wanting to leave, which is not nice if you are out having a "good" time with friends... at least it will have less impact on your social life (not leaving) :P


and I DJ less now, as it is difficult both to "feel the mix" and keep volumes at acceptable volumes, but I think quality earplugs is the way to (well probably a good idea in any case, DJ'ing or not)


all of you who have tinnitus due to volume or loud noises - sadly there will never be a cure and you will have to live with it.

for us where it is a very prominent and "LOUD" side-effect i,e Psychosomatic per definition - have it lucky compared to you.

If we get rid of our psychatric problems the tinnitus (for me at least) subsudes to the point of not being disturbing.

So If im in a "slope" i have high volume tinnitus, very very loud, deafening - and i have periods where i hardly hear anything at all.


For on the go earplugs I think they are perfectly fine, they will protect you. You will however not get all frequencies reduced linearly, meaning that some frequencies will be more reduced that others, making it harder to mix, e.g it could be harder to hear the mids compared to bass... The costume earplugs usually come with a "linear" filter that will "flatten out" the differences in reduction between different frequencies. Although this is not perfect of course ;)


here is an article about some different options...



I need to buy some new ones, and I have been looking at some similar to these ones



165eur is nothing compared to become crazy of ringing. :)

They last 4-5 years.

165eur / 4 = 41,25 per year or

3,43eur per month :-) Seems like a very good deal :-)

  • Like 1

165eur is nothing compared to become crazy of ringing. :)

They last 4-5 years.

165eur / 4 = 41,25 per year or

3,43eur per month :-) Seems like a very good deal :-)

I paid mine 240€... Was I ripped off? Anyway, the best things I could buy in my life probably... never going without them anymore, they don't manipulate the music, its just more silent, which is perfect :)


On Topic: I have some VERY light buzzing in total silent conditions... But never problematic and I'm very cautious anyway

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You will have to find a local place to get them done as they make a mold of you ears since they have to fit you, as anatomically fit your ear canals, otherwise they will not work. If you have a local music store or something they might be able to sent you in the right direction, or here we have hearing specialist (also selling hearing aids and so on) where they also make and sell these costume-fit earplugs. So I suggest you do some snooping around to see what your options are and what is the best deal for you.



yea you see... , all these gays ears around this forum are full of wax




For on the go earplugs I think they are perfectly fine, they will protect you. You will however not get all frequencies reduced linearly, meaning that some frequencies will be more reduced that others, making it harder to mix, e.g it could be harder to hear the mids compared to bass... The costume earplugs usually come with a "linear" filter that will "flatten out" the differences in reduction between different frequencies. Although this is not perfect of course ;)


here is an article about some different options...



I need to buy some new ones, and I have been looking at some similar to these ones


Do you know a good online store to buy these?

  • Like 1

I paid mine 240€... Was I ripped off? Anyway, the best things I could buy in my life probably... never going without them anymore, they don't manipulate the music, its just more silent, which is perfect :)


On Topic: I have some VERY light buzzing in total silent conditions... But never problematic and I'm very cautious anyway


Well 240eur is indeed a lot of money.

This one are rated one of the best and cost 160eur. http://www.variphone.com/nl/mep-2g

But if your's doing there job then even 240eur is worth it :)

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Do you know a good online store to buy these?


You will have to find a local place to get them done as they make a mold of you ears since they have to fit you, as anatomically fit your ear canals, otherwise they will not work. If you have a local music store or something they might be able to sent you in the right direction, or here we have hearing specialist (also selling hearing aids and so on) where they also make and sell these costume-fit earplugs. So I suggest you do some snooping around to see what your options are and what is the best deal for you.

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I dont have tinnitus but I have a slight case of visual snow. Really annoying when Im in a dark place. Its like looking through static on the tv...


visual snow is perfectly normal. it's only that the less observant (=most people) never notice. but being tired or taking certain "pharmaceuticals" can certainly impair your brain's ability to filter out the snow before it reaches your conscious perception for a while. it can be the same with astigmatism and tinnitus ime.



benzos are also being considered at the moment as a novel treatment for tinnitus brought about by loud noises/hearing loss. they are thought to inhibit overactive regions in the brain responsible for hearing, getting activity down to a normal level (i.e. having you only hear sounds that your ears actually hear instead of hearing sounds because your brain overcompensates for the lack of information coming from the ear).


visual snow is perfectly normal. it's only that the less observant (=most people) never notice. but being tired or taking certain "pharmaceuticals" can certainly impair your brain's ability to filter out the snow before it reaches your conscious perception for a while. it can be the same with astigmatism and tinnitus ime.


I have astigmatism and i take certain "pharmaceuticals". I also see "halos" around peoples head when they are infront of a white wall for an example and street lamps or even the moon has glare around it. :) I reckon that if I stop it with die down after some prolonged period of time to the point I stop noticing it. I definitely saw halos around objects when I was in elementary school but cant remember any visual snow. Wonder if its HPPD...


i've seen visual snow and glare around intense light sources since kindergarten - just like "floaters" which are intransparent stuff floating around the vitreous humour of your eye. the halos around people against a white wall are something i've first noticed when first experimenting with weed. every one of those phenomena can be explained by the way our sensory organs work, but are normally filtered out by our brain.

still, what has been seen cannot be unseen, you can just get used to, forget and therefore fail to notice it (abstaining from psychedelics should certainly help that process). but when i think of visual snow and focus on it i see it on all suitable surfaces (doing that right now because of this thread ;) ).


as a rule of thumb, it's not hppd if it doesn't impact your life in a huge negative way. i've read a study about one third of psychedelics users having some visual disturbances (from normal stuff like snow to real patterning), for months after use. so it's in fact to be expected so see something you didn't notice before, if you do those substances.


ive had that exact same thing since i was a kid. saw bubbly floaters everywhere and got so used to them i dont see them hardly anymore.

HPPD is indeed an entirely other subject.

Ive had HPPD affect me in hugely negative ways in terms of DP/DR and Ive suffered since 2000.

But you get used to most things in life.


visual snow is perfectly normal. it's only that the less observant (=most people) never notice. but being tired or taking certain "pharmaceuticals" can certainly impair your brain's ability to filter out the snow before it reaches your conscious perception for a while. it can be the same with astigmatism and tinnitus ime.



benzos are also being considered at the moment as a novel treatment for tinnitus brought about by loud noises/hearing loss. they are thought to inhibit overactive regions in the brain responsible for hearing, getting activity down to a normal level (i.e. having you only hear sounds that your ears actually hear instead of hearing sounds because your brain overcompensates for the lack of information coming from the ear).

benzos are in fact great medication, its just so damn hard to handle since there are a myriad of problems with benzos.

They are addictive. Some will never get addicted, though, and most people actually contrary to popular belief, do NOT get addicted.

Anyway, they usually get subscribed Klonpin (Klonazepam)/Rivotril and take their daily dosage, and all is fine.

No significant dosage increase is required on klonopin due to its long half life, but once they want to stop-

if youre addicted or not doesnt matter, you can get the worst case of Benzo-Withdrawal-Syndrome and it can last for years with no other treatment than other benzos.

Diazepam is usually the "taper" drug to come off Xanax and Klonpin.


But this doesnt always work, because its your doctor who have to make all these choices.

Ive seen BZD-WS on people and its sickening, and theyve taken only prescribed dose, no addiction per-se, the thing is, sometimes they take it for 20-30 years.

At that point I strongly recommend you just simply stay on it - cause you would die before your synapses are back in working normal order.


There are other problems with benzos too, the tolerance. If you feel like your upping your dosage lets say on a weekly basis - ur best bet is to stop immediately and try other benzos (there are quite a few, although Klonopin seems to be the preferred benzo for "general psychiatric treatment" on various different symtoms .

HPPD even.


In any case, I wouldnt recommend benzos unless you really are having suicidal thoughts.

Try everything else beforehand.


Meditation, mindfullness and yoga are all valid and supported ways of working through your DP/DR if that is your main syndrome - or even tinnitus and HPPD.


edit: the antiepileptic drug Keppra has proven significant improvement in patients with HPPD with DP/DR as their main symtoms.

Sadly in Swe, only doctors working exclusively with Epilepsy can prescribe it - and HPPD is VERY rarely even known in Sweden.


There are THREE specialists in the country who treat HPPD, and its almost impossible to get remissions to them.

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good post. even if i cannot agree about not recommending them. irl i know so many people who use them therapeutically (either in consistently low doses for years or just occasionally) for good effect (with minimal side effects) and up to now just a single person who escalated dosage resulting in problematic use.


of course you don't know how it'll turn out before you decide to use them, the risk is never zero and it's a decision that everyone has to make for themselves...

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good post. even if i cannot agree about not recommending them. irl i know so many people who use them therapeutically (either in consistently low doses for years or just occasionally) for good effect (with minimal side effects) and up to now just a single person who escalated dosage resulting in problematic use.


of course you don't know how it'll turn out before you decide to use them, the risk is never zero and it's a decision that everyone has to make for themselves...

Yeah thats cause ive seen just the bad side of benzos. My own addictions to them, I mean, in the year 2006 where I started getting the sober and "real" panic-attacks, and I thought I was going insane cause I didnt know what a panic attack was - I think I ate about 20.000 rohypnol pill over a period of 12 months. Thats an average of 50 pills a day. And sadly, I dont think that even covers it. Sometimes I remember I could eat 200 pills at once. Tolerance......

And people around me, of course, drinking and taking benzos, having blackouts, and during these blackouts they have kicked the living hell out of people, cut up themselves, robbed stores, etc.

Thats my, sadly, twisted biased view on benzos.


But yes, like I said in my introduction, most people do NOT have any problems with benzos and it IS a fantasticly beautiful medication if you are lucky enough to just have to take it once in a while.

Like my sister whoi is anti-drugs, she takes Diazepam 5mg "as needed" and she takes them exactly that, and I think she takes them 2-3 times a week.

Even once a day or even twice would be ok for her I think, without causing addiction. She is so strongly against it beforehand.


So Ive seen that good side, too.

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