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I splited with my girlfrined, don't know what to do now.

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I splited with my girlfrined, don't know what to do now.

Plz give some advices how to get read of the pain inside of me.

How to control my emotions and mind. to stop flashbacks.

Guest Slinker

smoke loads of crack cocaine, and turn gay! girls are grief man.


taking drugs would probably be the worst answer... Even if you forget about your negative feelings during your high they will come back 10 times stronger when you'll be coming down (except for psychedellics where they could come 100 times stronger during your trip :)


I suggest dating someone else, that way you'll think "damn I was so stupid to think that she was the right one for me", you'll shag like crazy with your new gf and be happy :) Anyway, go out more, do more stuff, keep yourself too busy to think about personal stuff!!




Listen to Lemmiwinks... and get drunk when the bad moments hit...


Thanx people.

I don't want to drink or smoke, i agree with Lemmiwinks.

It is difficult to find someone else as i see that i am not ready to go with any one i put an eye on. I begin to feel sick.

Guest krize

sorry to hear man .....


Life is a journey you know ....

Guest Quazzi

Try going to a good party with good vibes. Maybe that will cheer you up. take care. :-)


I tried to go to the party.

Next morning i was so upset.

You know it is like if a man has eaten anything for a long time and now he begins to eat much, then he may die.

The same situation with me. Too much happines looks like distorting me.

But music realy helps. It is a short term remeady, but nevertheless it works.

Guest The Invisible Man

I'm in the same position as you. You can do little to makke the feelings go away. It only needs time (well, some months!). And yes, music helps (but don't try Hallucinogen's E from the "Twelve" compilation because you might want to shoot yourself right away!!)

Guest volvox box

Its not our fault that we were created as humans. Live gives so much beauthy, but asks that much pain in return. That is how things work down here on material, i kill the human in me everytime i can, everytime i kill it i become more pure, energetic. There is much more out there . . . than just life, food, drugs, music. . . girls!

Hey Alek long time no talk with you bro . .

Let the energy flow!

Guest Quazzi

Don't you have somekind of hobbie? Sports maybe? Very good to keep your mind away from everyday's problems.


Hey Dame... yeah, I've been here and there... busy :P Will email you as soon as my email thing is fixed...

Guest sandman682

my advice: sports and go fuck any girl u can...... not for dating, but just for meaningless sex so u´ll forget ur ex-gf.... im sure this will work.... thats what i did,

and smoking weed is good too, but the best u can do r getting into sports and fucking other girls

good luck.... i know how it hurts

Guest michele

try to find a creative output... writing your feelings out can be very therapeutic. know that you are not alone:o) however personal and solitary your experience may seem, these love permutations have all been played out before. my current B(elief) S(ystem) holds that each choice we make creates parallel dimensions and that every outcome is covered. so in one world you did not break up, in another you never met, etc. try grounding yourself, by becoming aware of your breathing and connection to nature, and send out love to all apects of your self and be ready to receive it back in abundance. XxX

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