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What makes you irrationally angry, something that makes absolutely no difference to your life but just pisses you off?


For me it's people using umbrella's when it's not raining. It might have rained early but water is no longer falling from the sky. Put The Damn Thing DOWN!!!


The other day it had stopped raining but was still awfully windy. One prick had his umbrella up and was having the hardest time controlling it because of the wind. I just wanted to shout at him "IT'S NOT RAINING DUMBASS!! THERE IS NO NEED FOR HARDSHIP HERE" but it was best just to be British and say nothing at all.


Is there anything that you know shouldn't but absolutely does piss you off?


Selfies! Damned Selfies. Fake expression selfies! The craze baffles me, I do feel like shouting stop being so self obsessed! But most of the time it's friends and family so I keep mum.

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The selfie craze is a weird one. I can understand taking a picture of yourself and a friend but people just go overboard. It's not the selfies that annoy me but the constant posting of them on social media. Look at me with my cat, look at me at the station, look at me....stop it now!


But what infuriates me most is how some people seem to think that selfie = photograph. I saw a list of "selfies" most of which were taken by another person. I heard someone say "that guy's taking a selfie of his friend" and they were not both in the shot. God I could fill this thread by myself.


Lol you probably hate all Chinese people then, they use umbrellas in the summer all the time. They don't like tans and want their skin to stay white.

For me it's people who hop seats on the bus. I just want to punch people who do that. Is it really that bad to sit next to a stranger that you need to

hop seats 3 times just so you can sit by yourself? Get off your high horse.

I have a little more tolerance for the parasols as they have legitimate purpose. When it's cloudy, not raining and you're holding your clear plastic umbrella up, it's pointless.


You'll get people on the trains here who won't sit in an empty seat because someone's taking up the next seat. When the other person gets off they rush into the empty seat....then someone sits next to them that just got on. So they end up sitting next to a stranger anyway, why bother with waiting in the first place?


ask me 2 years ago id list alot of things.. ask me now?..

i dont care about anything.. i.e i dont get angry about anything either.. unless someone specifically does something to someone i love.

i still care about the ones i love. which is why im alive.


but i guess ive had the experience of life sucking so hard that i lost all the anger inside me (which is good) and im just so humble now in addition to being a complete cynic with a non-care type of personality.

but really, i do care alot about stuff.. its just been so subdued and dulled over the years..

that im just starting to learn to have real feelings again and anger is not a feeling ive learned yet.

i actually dont get angry anymore.. i dont have enough energy to get angry i suppose.


but i wasnt always like this, heck just 6 months ago my answer would prob be very different


I went through a period where I felt ID burnt out all my emotions. Thought I'd never be angry or delighted again but after this period they came back much stronger than before. 10 years ago I'd never have gotten angry with people using umbrellas, 6 years ago it wouldn't even have registered, no it leaves me fuming :mad:


On the upside, other emotions were also heightened. I feel much more joy than I ever used to feel :)


I have thousands of them.

One off the top of my head is when guys whistling or shout something to a hot woman when they drive by her. Why? Why do that?

Tell me one time when a chick actually said 'you in the car! come back! I wanna suck your cock for calling me hot ass'. It's not gonna happen, fuck off.


At the moment, THE most annoying thing to me is when I'm in a anatomy practice class with my group, where we use either plastic models of organs, bones etc... or the real thing to learn while our professor talks, and the smart asses in my group start finishing professors sentences to look smart. WHY do they do that? And why is the professor not getting annoyed by this? Instead of focusing on listening what the professor is talking about, all I can think about is punching them in the face...


Ha ha! College. I am with you on this one. Jerks. I had the pleasure(?) of being in a class full of smart asses throughout my engineering. Annoying chicks :/ always on their toes to shout an answer or complete the sentence. Bah!

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Bad driving mostly, like: not using turn indicators, turning from wrong lane, skipping lanes to gain that 0.5s head-start at traffic lights, in general not minding other road users...


Oh, and when a CD I like is poorly mastered :angry:


People who spell/capitalize abbreviations as words. Especially "Dj" and "Cd" but anything along those lines makes my head hurt.


People who spell/capitalize abbreviations as words. Especially "Dj" and "Cd" but anything along those lines makes my head hurt.

While we're at abbreviations, it makes me go nuts when I see someone put a period after Dr (doctor). In Serbian Dr. would mean "other" or "second" ("drugi" in Serbian). I see it all the time on name tags in hospitals.


People who spell/capitalize abbreviations as words. Especially "Dj" and "Cd" but anything along those lines makes my head hurt.

Oh god, if we go in to people's English mistakes I'll never stop typing.


For non-native speakers it's perfectly fine to make mistakes but honestly most of the stupid shit I hear or see on the internet is from native speakers.


The one that has been pissing me off most recently is the number of people who can't pronounce pronunciation. :mad:


While we're at abbreviations, it makes me go nuts when I see someone put a period after Dr (doctor). In Serbian Dr. would mean "other" or "second" ("drugi" in Serbian). I see it all the time on name tags in hospitals.

Most people don't know or don't care about abbreviations' punctuation anymore. It's supposed to be that you only put a full stop if the last letter of the abbreviation is not the last letter of the word, like Thu.

However people don't care so thecrule gets lost, with this one even in academic circles.


Oh god, if we go in to people's English mistakes I'll never stop typing.


For non-native speakers it's perfectly fine to make mistakes but honestly most of the stupid shit I hear or see on the internet is from native speakers.


The one that has been pissing me off most recently is the number of people who can't pronounce pronunciation. :mad:

a mistake i see very often is when people write

i should of bought this

instead of i should have bought this


for someone like me who does not speak english as my native language i find this mistake pretty shoking

i guess you actually have to be a native speaker to make this kind of mistake - the sounds of and have sound similar but someone who learns english as a second language has no reason to confuse the two


but to be honest i does not make me angry just makes me smile and surprise me


i am with antic here

cds with bad mastering

and driving especially in taiwan when i drive my scooter

i can not get used to it and it is been over a year i live here now - but to be honest i cant say i am the best driver either but at least i use my indicate lights lol

i think here is more of a culture thing - people are less respectful of the traffic rules but at the same time i can see that they have some common sense

it is strange to explain

and outside driving people are usually very respectful - like when you take the metro people make a line while waiting


anyway quite legit to be angry when you see people doing stupid things on the road


Public displays of affection annoy me. I get really angry when I notice couples kissing or caressing each other on the train, and looking away doesn't solve it. Just knowing that it's still happening in my vicinity pisses me off, and I find myself periodically glancing back in their direction to see if it's stopped. If I can I'll move to another part of the train.


Public displays of affection annoy me. I get really angry when I notice couples kissing or caressing each other on the train, and looking away doesn't solve it. Just knowing that it's still happening in my vicinity pisses me off, and I find myself periodically glancing back in their direction to see if it's stopped. If I can I'll move to another part of the train.

This is very rare in Japan and over the years I have also grown to hate it. Luckily girls hate it as much as anyone so there's no pressure to do anything. Hand holding is where it ends.


Public displays of affection annoy me. I get really angry when I notice couples kissing or caressing each other on the train, and looking away doesn't solve it. Just knowing that it's still happening in my vicinity pisses me off, and I find myself periodically glancing back in their direction to see if it's stopped. If I can I'll move to another part of the train.

I hear this so often from people but I really dont get it why would someone get annoyed by this. Its a positive thing and I love seeing people enjoy each other. Its like a glimmer of beauty in this whole blood-bathed shithole of a world.

I hear this so often from people but I really dont get it why would someone get annoyed by this. Its a positive thing and I love seeing people enjoy each other. Its like a glimmer of beauty in this whole blood-bathed shithole of a world.

I think people have different views of where you should draw the line. I think we can agree hand holding is fine but public sex isn't. At which point does it go from okay to not okay?


I think people have different views of where you should draw the line. I think we can agree hand holding is fine but public sex isn't. At which point does it go from okay to not okay?

Thats the thing, I draw no lines. Moral norms mean nothing to me and that especially goes to other people's problems with me, unless I am affecting them in a real way. For me everything is okay as long as my, or others advances are welcome. Everything is okay if nobody is getting hurt. The whole "sex is exclusively a private thing" is pretty modern.

Sure but I don't want to sit next to a copulating couple on the train. I believe I would move away from them.


Oh god, if we go in to people's English mistakes I'll never stop typing.


Damn, that's an endless topic. My favorites:

- mixing "they're" and "their"

- writing "should / could of" instead of "should / could have"


...and that's just the tip of the iceberg.


I had to learn the damn language, while most people making those mistakes are native speakers :angry:



Edit: @Celaripo I see I "should of" read your reply first - I see we have more things in common than hating bad driving and mastering :)

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