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am interested why no one here is talking about the brit's opting out of the EU?

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Maybe i just missed it, but they even talking about it there in australia

sounds like a big thing, and as alot of people here are gonna be affected by it either way, am interested

why little discussion.

seems to now be in more of a debate about refugees and money more than anything, and the fact that

people are "supposedly" being killed over it, which i personally think is a load of crap,

and there seems like alterior motives for having this.

as i don't watch tv or read papers, radio etc don't know much about the talk except what i hear.

i reckon if they want out good on them, but doubt it will happen and the fact you guys are all run by the vatican and royal pedophiles

kind of makes you all meat in all their cucumber sammys.

just my 2 cents but considering there is more talk about the presidential bullshit elections, am curious

greets from the ass end


I kind of figured it would go the way of Scotland discussing opting out of the UK; not gonna happen.


Maybe I'll be wrong though.


One politician did get killed because of this. I think the whole thing was sparked by the refugee issue, which is an issue of EU. Leaving EU would split UK even more so.


Leaving the EU would be ridiculous in the long run. The whole thing has come about from there being a lot of small minded xenophobic cunts in the country. Hopefully they'll be outvoted but I can't be sure.


Being in Europe gives a country so much, all it really takes away is that sense of individuality and being strong on one's own. If we could dominate the world by ourselves again then so be it, but we can't not even a little.


If we could dominate the world by ourselves again then so be it, but we can't not even a little.

oh, the sick thought still persists!

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If they exit both parties will be very affected, I personally think they'd be mad exiting, but then again, they are bloody Brits aren't they :)

I remember a video where they asked a kid if he'd prefer to have the euro coins and he said NO WAY and when asked why he preferred the Pound he answered "by all means, because it's British.." so who knows what will happen. There was also a funny meme Colin posted on FB about being stuck in an island where kids are obsessed with pigs or something similar.

All I wrote above is intended in good fun, no harm meant or offence to anyone, and I do love Brit people, they are so funny sometimes, but good lads in the end.


What the actual fuck Britain?

I still haven't heard any arguments for leaving except "lol independence yeah" yet here we are.


Scotland will likely vote again and this time will leave the UK, Britain will still have all the same problems just with weaker ties to other European countries. Great :(

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I wonder if this has any implications for Arabesque, since they are based in London.

Luckily I haven't signed a deal with them yet, but the labels that did should probably check!


Well, EU is not what it used to be (or supposed to be) anymore. If anyone would take the first step that would be UK. In the end is all about planning and correctly utilising the decision. Either way can have positive and negative impact. And a lot of countries are watching UK to see how she will fare with the (not so) secret desire to follow on her footsteps.



Thinking of Germany everytime someone talks about EU doesn't help either


The uncertainty will cause panic in the markets, this is not a good thing for the short term economy.


I sold a small apartment in my home town and transferred the money early this year. If I'd waited I would have ended up with so much less as the pound dropped :P


BREXIT? Very good, and I'm not panicking. WHY?

Very happy they kicked their selves out.


Why? Cause this is a wake up call. I have written out 3 main reasons:

1) Disinformation and lack of historical knowledge.
2) Lobby groups being able to manipulate gouvernements.
3) The lack of willing to fight for real democracy within the general population.




1) Now we can see how much disinformation can do.
'Mafia' bastards like Rubert Murdoch (together with 'the City' - their corrupt and rotten banking systhem) have been manipulating the UK government for years. By using the government getting their way and living tax and moral free in the EU. BUT at the same time taking all the benefits. Well this isn't how democracy works!
I quote Gearge Orwell: "They consume without producing"


Plus: the lack of historical context. The EU grew out of two horrible wars. The lack of historical context and historical awareness has won. This illustrates the almost total bankruptcy of the education of school and especially the parents. Both didn't succeed to interest new generations into this very valuable project. And they should know better, as they in the UK are so proud to have won those two horrible wars.
We are the biggest democracy in the world; and that is very unique and worth fighting for. Instead of just consuming peace, our society has to change its way. Make the right offers again by thinking and being critical instead of only thinking about the next cell phone to by (made by childerns hands)!
Vote always: people have died to make it possible to have that right. BUT inform yourself with valid and subtle arguments. That is how real knowledge and true democracy is born.

But as Tocqueville said: "People crawl in their comfortable cocoon and enjoy the little pleasures, without investing in the society and the democracy". Nothing is free or done without effort. Society is holistic, not atomistic.



2) Funny fact: Cameron tried blackmailing (backed up by the dirty corporate of 'The City') to manipulate us in giving the UK even more free loaded benefits. Tried twisting his muscles to let the EU back off again and give'm even more benefits.
But the EU didn't bend this time. I hope everyone will see that corrupt governments backed by this immoral corporate guys like Murdoch loose! We have to see this and notice we have the power ourselves.
Inform yourselves!!!



3) Plus: this is a very good opportunity to a new start for the EU and realise it should be (especially the Commission) to work more democratic and less under the influence of rich lobby groups of banks and industry.
So at the same time this is a really good opportunity for the EU: now let us hope the EU citizens are all enough aware of this and start doing their democratic duty and start voting more responsible instead of thinking peace, prosperity and the EU are all products we can consume or just throw away.





My conclusion:
Democracy and peace have their price: work for it!!! ...and don't come here with an counter argument like "Politicians are all the same"; if that would be the case, democracy would have totally been gone already.
We are the true savers of democracy: time to vote, vote with knowledge and don't let yourself be pacified by laziness. Everything comes with effort. Let us give our vote to those who will NOT let themselves be manipulated by lobby groups...dicuss.

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Donald trump is giving a speech right now.. he's in Scotland. He just promoted his golf courses.. if that is NOT EVIDENCE trump not the biggest scumbag of all time?! I don't want to turn this into trump.. he doesn't deserve it


Is anyone in the UK? I was following this for a while and I knew it would be exit. George soros bought tons of gold. That lady got murdered over her remain position. Pound is hurting. USA markets have not opened yet


The financial implications for Brits are not yet clear, but the most positive outlook seems to be that people won't suffer too much.


It'll be irritating listening to Leave voters complaining about higher taxes etc brought in as a consequence of leaving the EU


Are you British and don't want to live with such fucktardery or from elsewhere in Europe thinking you'll be deported?

I very much doubt anyone will be deported. First it will take at least two years to pull out of Europe and even then, immigrant workers aren't just going to be told to leave, you will probably just need to get a simple work visa.


For those that voted leave, I see a frustrating decade ahead where none of what they wanted comes to pass (getting rid of immigrants and refugees) but salaries go down and taxes go up.


I just saw that the pound has dropped twenty yen in the last 2 days :huh:


If I can wait until it bottoms out, I'll buy all the Ishq CDs/downloads on bandcamp :lol:

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Neither, I'm Spanish. Both my other half, who's French and I don't feel like living in a country in which we're not welcome. Make no mistake, immigration is at the top of the list of reasons people voted out.

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Oh I understand that. The shame I feel bring British and knowing that most people voted for foreigners to get out is unbelievable. I also no longer plan on going back if I don't have to.

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