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Chemic Lab-Bio Hazard!!!!


Ppl listen to this. It is track 4 in Liquid sunshine 2. The first time I hear a downtempo track from Filipe and it is a master work right away.



Yeah that was released many years ago by acid chemical plant in bio hazard xplorationz compilation. Trance2MoveU reviewed it we think and he also loved it. It is really good track :) It was a compilation mostly with acid 303 instruments. Filipe doesnt have them anymore but that one survived so we released it among some extra stuff he had.

There's another downtempo he did , look for Sphere of Counsciousness. :)

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Hello dear friends :)

We want to make a new announcement because our little label will have some small changes but nothing really major :)

We will add the 'space synth' albums filipe has done . It's just basically retro 80's space music that is very well known in the 'demoscene' and many people might known it as 'tracker music' or 'commodore amiga' stuff

and some people here might enjoy it or not but we will add it anyways because Filipe likes to produce this kind of music once in a while because it's more downtempo and more musical , different chords and so on.

He likes to alternate in between Goa and space synth music and some chill-out (downtempo) but he's always loved the 4/4 music than ambient/downtempo.

We don't want to confuse anybody with our releases , so we want everyone to know we will have some 'space synth' music and goa~trance aswel :) .

We hope our music will continue to be of your liking and not bring any confusion :) .

Thank you all. :)


Hum hum...
I've found this one on discogs...
Mana Source ‎– Hiragana !!! :wub:

So, I need this one please GDR !!!


Yeeaahhh !!!! B)

You rocks !

Many thanks !

No worries buddy.

We will probably still have to add some remaining unreleased songs and amithaba buddha angels trumpets if some people are interested.

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amithaba buddha angels trumpets if some people are interested.

Please this one..I will buy it tomorrow along some others. It was never available as digital, only CD that i bought. Made its way in my top 5 of 2015 albums.


Please this one..I will buy it tomorrow along some others. It was never available as digital, only CD that i bought. Made its way in my top 5 of 2015 albums.

No problem Anu. We will try and sort that release this week.We will add Goa Gate the remastered version aswel. Apart from that there are still a few unreleased songs and we have to organize things. As for Amithaba Buddha that's all we will be releasing and the ones he put in eps.We won't be releasing anything else because we also don't want any problems with Phototropic Records where he released some albums such as Myself in the Mirror and the Pandemonium ones and because there were contracts involved we apologise we cannot re-issue those. If people are looking out for such albums we advise contacting Phototropic or trying to buy them in discogs which can be expensive. As for Goa Gate and Angels Trumpets it will be ok.See you soon.


We also want people to understand and realize we are not flooding releases. Let's not forget that Filipe has been making goa music since around 2003/2004 so this is a massive collection plus he also produced and produces music in other genres. Thank you. :)




Hi everybody!

phew! It's been quite some work around here ! :)

we still have to get through our list and check what's been up and not because we know some are still unreleased.

Anyways here it is the Amithaba Buddha - Angels Trumpets.

This was the one that Filipe intended at first but he was overthinking things at the time.

We decided to put this one it's more psychedelic and underground in a way :)

We uploaded all the songs and we will check them in time. Any problems we will correct them.

The tracklist remains the same . We didn't feel the need to put the (title mix) and all songs are still the same.

Enjoy! :)


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Hiihhhaa ! !
What a month ! Merry Chrismas everybody !!! :)
Let's Goaaaa !!!

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Hi everybody. We were made aware of a small error in Liquid Sunshine 4. The track Overflow by Liquid Jungle was cutting off abruptly. We weren't aware of this and we thank our fans for sending us an email . The corrected version is on it's way and if you bought this release you will probably be able to download it again from Bandcamp no problem. :)

The song shown the total time but for some reason seems the original audio file probably became corrupted so Filipe re-rendered it and mastered it back again from FL 3 when it was originally produced.

Thanks again and our apologies for the interruption. :)


Look at GDR new Bandcamp back picture, pretty. I like.

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