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ol하이. 접니다.
AZ NHJO HYENNRO(노흐즈오 현느로)입니다.
Today I declare my plan.
I will make big city at allover the world.
main is russia.
second is usa.
3rd is germany
4rd is UK.
only live high level people.
Music, Fighter, Scholar, Scientist. etc.
each city link by super fast internet line.
special city live people many special room with super computer.
and Instrument is not normal.
special people use Special Super Instruments! haha.
but if you want live special area you must pass exam.
special people live in paradise with house, club, big food store.
Big Food store have worldtop food maker.
and special people sit down at special table.
food is you want can eat. and special people gather and joy!.
super instrument is not similar current instruments.
super instrument is
New, Modify, Original.
New is new instrument just like allinone.
synthesizer have big 40inch monitor.
and another monitor for draw waveform.
modify synthesizer is for example
Korg Kronos is with 99keys and more synthesizer engine.
I will earn big money and special people help me.
I will earn big money by My music and my patents (big secret) and
My patents will release Microsoft and apple but secret.
I will famous movie actor over anorld schwarzeneger etc!etc
010 9749 2747
nhjohyennro <katalk, skype etc


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