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Goa to Psytrance , they call it "Evolution" ...

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Guest The Lost Buddha

Do you old skoolers agree that psytrance is the next evolution state of Goa?

I dont , Goa is a hard and promenorized genre and psytrance is minimal , i´d prefer to call it "De-Evolution".


And another one , if Goa comes back again , maybe the scene is going to be transformed into something like Goa VS Psy , what you guys think about this too?

Guest Moongoose

i´m tired of this style vs that style and so on.

Guest The Lost Buddha

i must say that you guys are psytrancers...


Hehehe, Lost Buddha, I am with you...as we already agreed on one of previous topics, but I wouldn't call it De-Evolution but more regression cause they are all talking about progressing the sound where in fact the essence of it is regressing and moving from the real trance realmz into more darker ones that cannot even be called trancey at all...So, I am with you...:)

Guest The Lost Buddha

Yeah i wouldnt call this music "Trance"that these people listens to it today.


Seraph a big thanks for your support.

Guest antic

maybe I don't understand this correctly, but you - The Lost Buddha - associate the term "psytrance" with new stuff only? well, I heard this term used many years ago (in 1997-98, when I started listening to it), and then it described music like the one made by the infinity project, orichalcum, process, doof, cosmosis, prana etc. so it meant exactly the same thing as "goa" and was used as a synonim (sp?). for me there is no difference between goa and psytrance, it's just that the name has changed because goa started to be "unfashionable" term (read some of the early inteviews with raja ram or s. posford)...


and yes - many of the new releases is crap, but I wouldn't call it de-evolution. the music became more dancefloor oriented, without all this spiritual things that always surrounded this scene, but I think it's just because our present times do not need spirituality with all this advanced technology we have :-( but I'm sure you can still find the music you like, and you can always dig some old-school goa/psytrance CD and enjoy it, just like I do almost everyday :)

Guest The Lost Buddha

Yeah you´re right Antic , Goa was called also psytrance , but the scene the ppl listen to it today we cant call it Goapsytrance cause it´s another minimalist psytrance genre. That´s why we today got to say that goa is goatrance and psytrance is psytrance , cause their both different.

maybe they dont need the spiritual things but if they removed that part of the music so i´d prefer not to call it trance cause what in the hell the psyTrance of today haves so much about of Trance? all the Trance is melodic and ambiental and "psytrance" is minimalist and only features some sound fx´s and a spacy kick and a bassline we can listen presently on every psytrance song of these days.


Buddah you just contradicted everything antic said...they aren't realy different things...why does everything have to come down to what it is called...I MEAN DOES IT REALY MATTER??!! What you refer to as Goa another may refer to as Uplifting, Melodic Israely trance...get what I mean...call it whatever you want it won't change the sound and what something is CALLED has nothing at all to do with evolution!!

Guest .:::E.P

Psytrance is 100% connected to Goa and have very little or nothing to do with todays music! Psytrance was a description of more deep and psychedelic music taking place alongside Goatrance from 1994-1998! Then came the fast Full-on and psytrance kind of faded away (some still make it)! So to call the music of today "psytrance" is misleading.. It's full-on, full-on and neo-full-on.... sadly though! ;) - there's a big difference in pbm and how the music is structured!

Guest deLirium

i agree with antic...when i started listening to Goa, there was no difference between psytrance and goa....

Guest The Lost Buddha

Author: deLirium (---.customer.m-online.net)

Date: 03-22-04 11:17


i agree with antic...when i started listening to Goa, there was no difference between psytrance and goa....


yeah but know it haves a lot of difference , that´s what i was talking about.

Guest The Lost Buddha

Author: Scat (192.148.125.---)

Date: 03-22-04 05:51


Buddah you just contradicted everything antic said...they aren't realy different things...why does everything have to come down to what it is called...I MEAN DOES IT REALY MATTER??!! What you refer to as Goa another may refer to as Uplifting, Melodic Israely trance...get what I mean...call it whatever you want it won't change the sound and what something is CALLED has nothing at all to do with evolution!!




yes i also agree that this dont haves nothing to do with Evolution , but that´s what people say not me. ;)

Guest The Lost Buddha

Yeah , i was wrong about psy , but here in portugal is kinda hard cause everyone here says that psy is full-on , so in this topic i were refering "psy" as "full-on".

Thanks for the correction Goa people.

Guest neutrino

Hi guys,


I think the new generation of goa trance is finnish thance (suomi soundi)

Guest The Lost Buddha

Neutrino , ive got to agree with you on one thing , biggest part of Goa producers are finnish and swedish , but im also a goa producer and im Portuguese , so i dont agree totally with you. ;)


Neutrino. Give me some names of finnish goa producers today? Most everything i have heard from Finland sounds similar to Texas Faggot, wich imho is not good at all.

Guest Kiph T. Elephant

Listen to Haltya's new album (the first one was slightly faggotty). Really funky stuff that sounds like nothing else. Not really old skool goa though, if that's what you were looking for.

Guest ritual om

first of all i am an old schooler.

i'll talk for us the old-schoolers cause i think that i can't get the same feelings and thoughts as those that got straight in the 2000 era psy sound.

so,for us goa trance was so emotional,so full of awe and freedom.it gives u a feeling really undescribable,so strong...u goers get me,right?:)

nowadays the psy scene is so empty of emotions,of awe.

these as far as emotion is concerned.

let's get to the brain messages of this music.

goa was very complex,very rough,not so delicate(this for me is an advantage)and very crazy.

now the sounds are so metallic,very cold,and the melodies and basslines are rather simple and boring.another point is that today psy is fucking formulaic.copy paste at it's peak.(i speak generally...there are exceptions)


i must say that feelings are subjective.but this was the big bomb for goa.goa is music for the spirit,for the brain and for the heart.it makes u fly(drugless).

this music is sacred.period.


maybe you aren´t listening to more appropriate new releases, lost buddha. To be calling it de-evolution is not really thinking about it, imo.. There are releases today that are very spiritualistic, there are some that are not, there are some that are emotional, there are some that are not. It depends, just like at the beggining of these styles it also depended.


and what´s with the bad connotation to the word ´minimalistic´? Spiritual traditions and their use of music (in middle east, in tribes, in initiatory orders, in some major religions) are many times repetitive and minimalistic.



note that it is in your opinion what you say, and what you may call evolution may be de-evolution to some, and vice versa.. (and everybody is right)


btw I dont like most of the releases today (or even earlier, for that matter), but I search among the many releases to find the ones I like.



It´s a matter of searching well and finding what you like, whatever aim the music suites you, wether it´s just dancing your ass off, or being emotionally, intelectually and/or spiritually touched

Guest The Lost Buddha

Author: sherlockalien (---.mundivox.com)

Date: 03-22-04 19:52


maybe you aren´t listening to more appropriate new releases, lost buddha.





depends , i listen to Ethereal´s Goa and that´s new.

I just dont listen to the full-on songs cause im a full GOA purist guy , if that´s what you´re mentioning.




and what´s with the bad connotation to the word ´minimalistic´? Spiritual traditions and their use of music (in middle east, in tribes, in initiatory orders, in some major religions) are many times repetitive and minimalistic.


depends of the Goa you´ve listened.




Author: ritual om (---.dialup.ntua.gr)

Date: 03-22-04 19:38


first of all i am an old schooler.

i'll talk for us the old-schoolers cause i think that i can't get the same feelings and thoughts as those that got straight in the 2000 era psy sound.

so,for us goa trance was so emotional,so full of awe and freedom.it gives u a feeling really undescribable,so strong...u goers get me,right?:)

nowadays the psy scene is so empty of emotions,of awe.

these as far as emotion is concerned.

let's get to the brain messages of this music.

goa was very complex,very rough,not so delicate(this for me is an advantage)and very crazy.

now the sounds are so metallic,very cold,and the melodies and basslines are rather simple and boring.another point is that today psy is fucking formulaic.copy paste at it's peak.(i speak generally...there are exceptions)


i must say that feelings are subjective.but this was the big bomb for goa.goa is music for the spirit,for the brain and for the heart.it makes u fly(drugless).

this music is sacred.period.




what should i say Ritual Ohm ?

I make your words as my words.

I have the same feelings as you and the same opinions.


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