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Hi dudes, I joined the forum yesterday, I am Itai 24 years old from Israel, started making music 6 months ago and about to end my Cubase course at an academy, I started without any background or knowledge (I didn't learned musical theory)

Besides the fact that I can play music by ear with a piano/keyboard/anything similar.


My favourites by far are Infected Mushroom which i guess they are not the cup of tea of anyone here (at least not since 2001 :) ), I am a die hard fan and while i still like the recent tracks my old ones are the favourites, And my direction is Psytrance.


I have uploaded some tracks to Soundcloud and Youtube, the first are awful and i considering to delete them so i would like you to hear the latest two (not perfect of course but huge improvement from the firsts):




Generally i got nice comments also by people who are making music (about the first one, the latest they didn't hear),

My teacher at the course told me i change too much things in my tracks and he feels there is no main subject to any of them, besides that for now its fine (plus some sound improvements).


While I do understand it, I think he is a little conservative as a person since he always prefer music which is not purely electronic not to mention Psytrance,

which is for me has less rules than what he thinks.


I hope to see some comments sorry for writing too much :).

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I like some sounds and some melodies in both these pieces but both are far from sounding like finished tracks tbh. You should work more on the track structure and on the mixing, try adding add more percussion elements, learn how to get the bass right. It is nearly impossible to learn how to make good psy in 6 months, 6 years is far more realistic figure ;)

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Hi thanks for the reply :)


About mixing and all the technical stuff is obvious i have much to learn, but what's important for me at the beginning at least,

is to know i'm not doing something everyone else does and that ideas are good (more or less), i don't know if i'm there but i noticed a big improvement since i started.


It is reflected also by comments of people who heard it, of course when i wrote that i had nice comments its people who take into consideration i'm an amateur :),

And i'm absolutely doesn't expect being a pro in such a short time, but I think you can look at some people and anticipate how the music would be if it would have been more polished.


I know some people who has much more experience than I do, and yet I find their ideas not original and their tracks boring dead (and yet I don't think i am better),

What I trying to say is that in my opinion creativity and musicality can be the difference between artists, if you don't have the most basic "talent" or creativity

it will be hard because everybody can get better with time when comes to technical stuff.


But just to make things clear what do you mean by doesn't sound like finished tracks, do you mean there is much work to be done on the tracks or the "end" part for example doesn't fit,

What do you think is wrong with the structure? (I am asking because I really want to know that's why I posted it on first place), and by getting the bass right do you mean the way it sounds?


thanks :).


by the way i listened to Badooga and liked it, it is absolutely mindblowing!

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But just to make things clear what do you mean by doesn't sound like finished tracks, do you mean there is much work to be done on the tracks or the "end" part for example doesn't fit,

What do you think is wrong with the structure? (I am asking because I really want to know that's why I posted it on first place), and by getting the bass right do you mean the way it sounds?


It is somehow hard to explain, your tracks now sound like thay are just a bunch of unrelated parts put one by one, while the best tracks in the genre sound like a story told by the artist via the interplay of the sounds and melodies. Just listen more to various tarcks and try to feel how they evolve, you'll get it naturally you surely have a potential for that. Give close attention to the transition parts: risers, kick rolls, breaks.


As for the bass, you need it tighter and fatter, also the balance the kick and the bass needs to be set right - the kbbb must work as one instrument, it defines the groove  (in the second track the kick is louder than it should be) 


Glad that you liked that Badooga, btw it was was the second psytrance track I've made, 

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Well thanks again my friend :), I wrote it at the first post that actually i'm a big fan of Infected Mushroom, you will notice they have many changes in a track

While sometimes the only connection is the transitions which are good, those things are said by them actually, but I found out that even with all those changes

Their tracks still have a concept (excluding the ambient which are meant to be totally freestyle), Eventually you and my teacher thinks the same :).


About the kick at the second track actually I really liked it, its million times better than the kick at the previous tracks,

The problem is that the bass is too "quiet" and too thin, I'm well aware of it.


Next week I will start working on my final track for the academy (after getting the instructions this weekend), I always see it as a challenge,

We had the first track to do at the middle of the course and got a grade for it and the upcoming track will be an "end" track with a grade of course,

(I've done many tracks in between and played them in class, for fun and for practice), the last track at the middle of the course for me it was going 3 levels up,

I got a "grade" of 95/100 (just because of a foolish mistake), finally it wasn't distorted and finally I used effects and automations of cutoff and resonance and those are the base of my tracks today.


So with your help and my teacher's I am about do something really serious with much more channels and much more attention to small details (one of them will be kick&bass for sure!)


Thank you very much :)


Baddoga was your second psytrack that you ever made? if that's true than you are a phenomenon :), and you are the one who said 6 years is a realistic time for being good.


I know IM music well, the abrupt transitions is kinda their trademark style. Well, if you choose that route there is nothing wrong with that, it's just me preferring more "floating" music..


Actually I do hear some obvious IM influences in your synth work, and some of your synths and melodies are really impressive.


 I'm listening to the second track again and I think that the track badly needs some more percussion elements, like hats and snares or claps, changing the percussion patterns may support the melodies and make the track more interesting.


I was making music in other genres before switching to psytrance. Still I don't consider myself to be really good, I also have a lot to learn.

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Well yes lets say I prefer their stuff more than others, the old psytrance they did in the first 3 albums is in my opinion the best I heard,

My transitions were much worse, but I can see your point, even in their music it has a flow and a concept between all changes,

So I will try to balance things and get more influences from other psy artists today, and thanks for the compliment :), the second track indeed pretty much simple,

I completed it faster than usual actually, there is only a Kick little Snares and some "hidden" Hihats.


Well, actually I think you are really good but the truth is my opinion doesn't matter, in my opinion you need to promote yourself and keep learning.

I feel I have nothing to promot for now, I'm not seriously active at soundcloud/youtube/forums because I know I have to work a lot, I hope to start Electronic Production course at the academy,

And alongside my personal practice I can learn from other pro people, I am not looking for a magic formula but I know this kind of course can really help me, I just didn't want

To get there before knowing Cubase and before checking out that it really suits me, I believe generally that the combination of self work and other that "goes" with you can be the best thing.

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