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Metallica Seek & Destroy mix

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Guest ToWeR

I heard a really awesome psy mix of Seek & Destroy the other night. I was wondering if anyone knows who made it?

Guest Towelie

oh jesus god its so fucking bad.. so horrible.. worst track i have ever heard.. leave metallica classics alone !!

Guest neutrino

agree with Towelie


stupid fucking shit!

Guest Dr. Gonzo

if you guys don't like that, listen to the beat hackers rmx from "smells like teen spirit" :P


I agree...It is one of the worst songs I have ever heard...When Raja Ram played it in his 2 different sets I really didn't know what to think about the guy that I like so much...How innovative to play Seek & Destroy, Mescaline for 2 different nights, half a year apart !


All Skazi related material is in imho soul-less crap suitable for 17-years fucked up on soul-less drugs.

Guest DDrum

It would work if talented guys like Dark Soho, a Tim Schuldt or Chi-Ad would make a Metallica remix or some of the chillout masters but skazi...no thanx


these remixes of other styles tracks are decadent and pernicious for the psytrance scene, which will be the next remix?? something of Frank Sinatra? or "Spice Girls on Mushrooms"???





well a little bird told me that GMS were doing a remix of La Vida Loco...

Guest oCtodur

Jesus guys and gals, whats up with all the damn cursing in here ? fucking this fucking that mother this mother that. Comeon i think you are mature enough to act as a proper human beings. I myself curse a lot but on a forum, comeon behave a bit.


As for the Skazi (not paranormal) remix of this song i think its great as well as Smells Like Teen Spirit and Satisfaction remixes. I lissten to a lot of metal (death/black/goth and so on) and i lissten to rock to and for all of you that compares the skazi mix the the orignal you are doing a big misstake. Its two different kinds of genre and to different messages of the music.


I like skazis music its oke and nice to lissten to but its not amazing. To experience the amazing fealing of Skazi you gotta see him doing a live act. Hes definatly on my top 5 list of the best live act artists because he knows how to play with the music and how to play and amuse the crowd.



"Author: FF* (---.or.bonet.se)

Date: 03-30-04 17:45


All Skazi related material is in imho soul-less crap suitable for 17-years fucked up on soul-less drugs."


Thank you, realy nice comment and i guess its directed to all of those who lissten and like Skazi. I rather be "fucked up on soul-less drugs" than to have to be in your narrowheaded shoes where the world is a fixed place and no one does something extrodinary.


Anyway i think its wrong of you to speak like this about a truly great artist like Skazi i think you should show more respect to the community. So next time insted of having to FUCK your way in here just say that its a tune that doesnt make your ears vibrate.

Guest Towelie

blabla its so cheap and lame it shouldnt be done.. or if its done it shouldnt be played anywhere


I bet they havent even asked from those original artists to make "cover"




Imho, imho, imho dude. No need to get upset.

Guest kZinc

I'm with FF... keep this crap off the trancefloor...


BTW its funny how the 'big name djs' feel like they have to play these awful covers cuz they are unreleased and elite... ooooh, ahhhh, lets go take some mescaline!


P.S. good covers can be done, refer to 'license to slink'... but hey i guess thats the difference between musicians and programmers...

Guest oCtodur

FF*: im far away from upset, im just tellig you the truth =)


kZinc: why do you look down on it, its not special because its not released its special because that dj is sharing the music with YOU. The dj doesnt look at the track as elite or something like that they just love to bring you the finest tunes...




I'm sorry to see that you take my post so personally. If you read it carefully you can clearly see that I am not directing anything at anyone, but only expressing my thoughts about this particular music, which in my opinion is suitable for young ppl on drugs.


In the future if you take offense at the way I'm expressing my thoughts, I suggest you disregard from reading my posts rather than spamming the forum with your personal views on how I articulate myself.


Kind regz,



Guest kZinc

oCtodur, it is debatable whether this qualifies as 'the finest tunes'... but lets say you're right - then why is the big name dj's set full of remixes and mediocre unreleased tunes when there is, imho, much better music that won't get played because its "too old"... sounds to me like the yardstick is one of coolness not goodness, when "too old" is a reason to not play a song, regardless of its quality. this is especially absurd when "too old" ~= "more than a month after release".


oCtodur, if you have your own narrowminded taste, which is in this case liking an obvious, obnoxious, ludacreous idiot like Skazi then you're not better than him...The guy is an obvious loser that has very good production skills, I can admit that but he is a total immature idiot..I saw his clip the other day on TV, what a crap! He almost jerked off in front of the camera, doing fucking movements in front of the camera...How pathetic...! If you feel as dirty as he is, it is your choice, don't attack people here with your low opinion...I agree with everyone here...Guy is not a trancer at all.

Guest Gussigan

whoah, everyone here needs to chill a bit.


firstly, it's all a matter of opinion. i do like some of skazi's stuff and some of his live sets, no i'm not a soulless 17 y/o and don't often take many soulless drugs. i do see where you guys are coming from that are against his stuff... but i think calling him a "ludicrous idiot" is a bit much, he just plays different stuff


also, don't be surprised that the big name acts play heaps of new and slightly more commercial songs... that's why they're the big name acts, because this more commercial stuff appeals to more people (not necessarily you or me, but more people in general) ans so they get the bigger sets


and ddrum... a dark soho metallic rmx would kick ass you're right

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