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Guest mathias

LOVE ENERGY - An Humanitary Festival




Yo Freaks


LOVE ENERGY - An Humanitary Festival (3 Days Festival) May from 29 to 31 2004


Every 4 secondes a HUMAN BEING die about HUNGER in the WORLD


So we could not stay like this and we decided to ACT


"We want our money to help the hollow bellies, Our energy to dance and dance and dance, and Our joy in life to give energy to those who are suffering" !


Musical, artistic and culinary festival lasting 50 hours from May 29th (13 p.m.) to 31th (15 p.m.) in partnership with Action Against Hunger >> http://www.aahuk.org/ 10 € of the entrance price


(to be defined) will be poured back to Action Against Hunger, while the whole ammount of the benefits left will be poured to the "Restos du Coeur" which is another humanitarian association trying to help people who can't eat properly, in France. (word for word the "Restaurants of the Heart")


The entrance price will give access to the place for the whole festival lenght, and includes meals (rice with hindi thalie), breakfasts and drinks (at will). No alcohol will be sold on the location.


All the visual and sonic performances will be carried out by benevolent artists who'll gather there to support us, without financial return



And the Dream comes True





Forum and Line up http://zolico.homedns.org/sky/forum/forum....config=love_ene




Progressive :

Tetraktys - SUb MAchine rec, Aeon rec, Zma rec

Motion - B.u.S rec

Fiction - B.U.S rec

D.Sens - B.U.S rec

Luna SPice - SUb Machine rec



Full on :

Triptych - Turbo Trance rec, Shiva Space Technologie, Transient rec (UPDATE)



Psyché :

Neuromotor - Mechanik Sound rec

Hyper Frequencies - Mechanik Sound rec

Crazy Lions Cult - Mechanik Sound rec

PhatMatix - Mechanik Sound rec

Triskell - Peak rec/ Timecode rec


Phonic REquest




Ambiante :

Neuropose - Clima rec





Progressive :

Natas vs Missing Time - Sub Machine rec, B.U.S rec

Ode - Sub MAchine rec

D MUsh - Shiva Space TEchnologie

Kokmok - TRansubtil marseille

Cilou vs Sheera


Dj Seth - Com.Pact, Aeon rec Brasil (UPDATE)

Miss Tick - Sub Machine rec



Full on :

Olive - Life Extension / Arcadia rec, Shiva Space TEchnologie

L'ELf - Turbo Trance rec (UPDATE)

Naya - Bionics rec

Anakis - Froggle rec, Mandala rec, W.F.C. - BRasil (UPDATE)

Psychotrop - Analogic Team, Coda mag

Kaa - Bug System Liban

Senix - Analogic Team

Chrispod - Dragonhunters

Trip Tonik - Techni TRance





Psyché :

Thy Lan - Mechanik Sound rec

Gil - Mechanik Sound rec

Jessy - Magnetik Fusion

Rashka - Mechanink Sound rec

Naga - Peak rec, Timecode rec

Driss - Hadra

Little Pumkin - Tiny Teck, Peak rec

K-Fu - Tashidelek

Kwark - Ultimae rec

Chimix - Psynapse



Ambiante :

Las22 - Analogic Team - RWC

Roots Wurst Crew - RWC


Koala - Ultimae rec

Holls - Clima rec

Lutin des bois - Secret Vibes




We would really like to thank once again all the artists who will act at the Love Energy, cause without you, nothing would have been possible !!!

Guest Quazzi

That's very nice people, i wish good luck for the party! :-)

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