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Artist: Various

Title: Feel the Force

Label: Spectral Records

Date: June, 2005


1. Twisted System - Die Nagmerrie (Menog Remix)

2. Khopat - Alien Explorer

3. Shift - Serius Problem

4. Phyx Vs. Menog - Danian

5. Menog - Spiritual 00 (Audialize Remix)

6. Tryambaka - Filth

7. XRC - Medusa

8. Spectra - Borealis

9. Probe - Probe



Feel the force.  Hmmm....ok, a simple equation ought to sum things up nicely.



















Massively small tiny hands multiplied by a super slow acceleration will guarantee the survival of drosophila melanogaster.  Probably the first time that classification was used in a review.  While the label begun by Menog & XRC has had it's great moments this one is mostly a miss.  The three tracks worth your while will be the bombastic and aggressive offerings from Shift, Phyx & Menog, and of course Twisted System.  Pure acid mayhem.  Things truly go off the rails by the time you get to Spectra and ends in a dumpster fire of a track by a project called Probe.  Same last name as Menog so I'm sensing some nepotism is afoot.  As I said mostly a miss aside from those three bangers.



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