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Ive got my eyes set on the bose revolve .. very boomy sound. Was very impressed with the demo , sounded atleast 2X of the soundlink

Pros : 360 degree omnidirectionality , very good battery back up , doesnt heat up


There is also B&O's beoplay a1 which has very true trebly sound but the only issue is the 180 degree omnidirectionality and the fact that it heats up very fast


I have been checking on youtube for comparative reviews between the 2 but still havent made up my mind


Are there any other speakers in the range of 300-350 $ that you could recommend ?


Thanks for your time


2x Minirg + 1x Minisub.


Im sold ! checked out some reviews and most say it has a cult following , love the simple design and the fact that it comes with a sub-woofer . they even have worldwide shipping ! 


bit of a problem is that it is a bit off budget but for this i can make an exception


now the real problem " I understand The new MRBT-2 Minirig comes with the latest Bluetooth 4.2 software "


one review said this might prevent daisy chaining using analogue cables with the old minirigs (im not even sure how this makes sense since daisy chaining shouldnt have anything to do with bluetooth tech)  but thats not a show stopper since i dont own the old minirigs , im just wondering if this could lead to a compatibility issue connecting to the standard smartphone / laptop bluetooth functionality ? 


Also if i buy both the minirigs , will i be able to connect to both wirelessly using BT given the standard procedure allows pairing and connecting to just one device at a time ? 


Ps - do you own this baby? 

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