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Help Need Sub-Genre List!!!

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Guest Daniel

This guy over at another EDM board is making an EDM guide and I am helping him out with the sub-genres of psy-trance...here is what I've got so far:


Morning Psy-Trance (Goa)

Night Psy-Trance (Full-On)

Progressive Psy-Trance


This is what I need from you (who can help)


- official sub-genre name (and nicknames)

- the major artists within the genre

- 3 song examples from each artist


I haven't a clue on the following sub-genres:





please name other important ones that I've missed as well. Thanx!!!


Tech-Trance ->


MidiMiliz - Antistat ->Antistat, Nuet and Restore My Soul


Spirallianz - Blastfood ->Submariniert, One Way Ltd., and Ghost Brigade.

and the album Stereopark ->Hide+Seek, Stereopark and Soulprint


(Spirallianz is also Arne Schaffhausen and Wayan Raabe like MidiMiliz)



IMO this is Tech-trance, because it isn't as hard as the Delta - Send In...Send Back, which IMO is Techno, or I have read is somewhere.. ;)


But, good luck..


Take care now, bye bye then..



Guest Vishnu

This is the list that me and some friends menaged to make. i hope it will help you! :) it's not perfect. lot of ppl will say it sucks .. well it's MY list :P !


Vishnu`s GOA styles list:



1.Old School - allmost all the pre 2000 realeases-THE REAL SHIT !

a)Goa-trance - astral projection,blue planet corporation,doof,mwnn,

b)Psychedelic - cosmosis,crop circles,pleiadians,etnica,transwave,mfg,shakta


2.Psy Chill - asura, taruna, shpongle, jaia,ott,mistery of yeti, timewarp,


3.Progressive - ticon,tegma,vibrasphere,auricular,human blue,pps project


4.Goa-Tech(Minimal) - atmos,the delta , wizzy noise, x-dream,antix, Midi Miliz, Spirallian


5.Tribal - Sonic Fusion,Shaman,son kite, insectoid,


5.Dark Goa - Xenomorph, dark soho,


6.Buttrock Goa - S.u.n. project, analog pussy


7.Istra-Trance - astral projection,cosma,mystica,yahel,chi a.d.,infected mushroom


8.Nitzhonot - Eyal Barkan, Holy Men, Cyan,isorion,mendark,


9.FuckedUp - Texas Faggot,Battle of the Future Buddhas, Ka-Sol,hux-flux,orichalcum,


10.Full On -

a) Dark Full On - neuromotor,kindzadza,penta,menog,dark nebula, parasense

B) Light Full On (morning psy)- gms, alien project, psydrop,12000 mics,talamasca,astrix,aliend project,


11.Psy-Breaks - eat static,omni trio


12.Groovy Goa : Haltya,Kiwa,Loopus In Fabula,Salakavala,

Guest Moongoose

chi:ad is isratrance?......

pps project is progressive?........


for me pps project is tech-trance,and chi:ad is psy-trance......but hey thats just my opinion.......


hehehe I doubt you'll ever find 2 persons who agree 100% on a genre list... anyway, here's mine based on years and years of psytrance listening:



morning trance: well, there are 2 categories in there...

sub-subgenre 1 is the "real" morning trance as purists would say (call it "tribal" to make the difference), rather slow BPM, never above 120 and very relaxed airy feeling, with a lot of nature samples. examples: Feuerhake, Kode IV, Zorba, Bodh Gaia, Element, Son of the Light, 1200 Micrograms - Ayahuasca... (this is also what comes closts to the "original trance" that was played in Goa in the early 90s)


sub-subgenre 2 (my favorite!!) , (also called israeli-trance cause most artists making it were from Israel, or simply melodic trance, although this is changing now) is more dancefloor-oriented, the kind of music that's played in parties when the sun rises: fast, between 130 - 150 BPM, usually very emotional and "catchy". Usually you go home from a party having that tune in your head. Examples: Yahel - Last Man in the Universe, Chi AD- Eye am the I, Astral Projection - People Can Fly, Zorba - Datora, Space Tribe Vs. Electric Universe - Alkaloid Experiement, Transwave - The Rezwalker, UX - Masters of the Universe, Ra -ROM, Dimension 5, Man With No Name - Teleport... (you can probably tell by the tracklist that this is what was usually called "goatrance" around 1996 by record labels that thought they coined a new "hip" term)


3D Vision-style/ Full-on (called like this because the label "3D Vision" specialized in this kind of music, but then they were copied by many labels): fast 140- 150 BPM, melodic but more harsh-sounding, more on the agressive side of things (and some would say "more E-oriented"). Examples: Talamsaca - Come On, Absolum - Drumatrix, Nomad, GMS, Alien Project...



Minimal: more techno-oriented, a lot less "challenging" then the other styles, more bass-driven. You really have to pay attention to details to enjoy the subtle changes, otherwise it seems like a repetitive bassline and nothing much happening. However if you pay attention and have an excellent sound system that reveals everything that's in there (or take an E...) you will find this style very rewarding!! This style hit us around 1998, and some loved it and considered it was a welcome change to the usual melodic stuff, others found it had nothing to do with "psy". From 2000 to 03, about 90% psy releases were minimal, but this is changing now. Anyway, that doesn't mean you can't find artists that are doing good stuff... Examples: X-Dream - Radio (the one that started it all IMO), Shiva Chandra - Gecko, MOS - Drive, Ticon - Elt,...


Psytekk: kinda like minimal taken a step further... it's even more techno oriented, hell some tracks are pure techno if you ask me, and (like techno) it's a lot faster and noisier than minimal. Examples: X-Dream - Thorazin, Kopfuss Resonator - Monocain, Son Kite - Driveshaft


Nitzhonot - Well, most people will say this isn't really psy... it's done mostly in Israel and Greece and it sounds like kids playing around with cartoon-samples and melodic psy ideas, but not something very coherent. It's sorta like melodic/ israeli trance pushed to the limit of commericalism. Examples: Eyal Barkan, Holy Men, Cyan,...


Industrial goa - Harsh, dark-soudning goa, with distorted noises, fast, indsutrial-inflenced. Examples: Battle of the Future Buddhas, Tim Schuldt - Single Collection, Ka-Sol,...



Finish trance/ aussie trance/ Psyharmonics stuff: (called like this cause most artists doing it are from Finland/ Australia/ or usually release their stuff on the labe Psyharmonics): Very wierd trance, with a lot of crazy and innovative ideas, very random, doesn't seem like it's "going somewhere". Some love it, others utterly hate it. Examples: Texas Faggot, Haltya, early Space Tribe, Shaolin Wooden Men, Loopus in Fabula, Odd Harmonic...



... well, there you go, this isn't perfect, but it will allow you to clasify about 90% of the releases out there...




Guest Moongoose

for me its like this:

goa trance: ololiquio-dito

sun project-drosophilia

space tribe-the future is right now

psy trance:blue planet corp.-blue planet


cydonia-in fear of a red planet

tech trance:spirallianz-stereopark


opsis-time means nothing

minimal trance:shiva chandra-auricular

beat bizzare-lewd

Xv kilist-xv kilist


feel free to correct me if i´m wrong........

Guest gerald

Can someone recommend me some names of minimal artists like Comadose, Tantrumz, Promon ?


Please email it because I do not go on psynews.org very often. Thankyou

Guest D-Dave

FuckedUp!!? Yay! Cool... :)

We prefer to label BOTFB as "psychotic disco" or "unintelligent trance" though... ;)


just a useless but maybe intresting reply to the tread...


the genre Nizhonot was created when cops were closing the parties almost as soon as they opened in israel. so they made music you could party like hell for in one hour, cause then the police came!!

if you dont believe me try listening to this genre for more then an hour...it must be true!! :)


maybe all of you knew that...maybe not....

Guest rolly from italy

First thing sorry for my poor henglish.


I think taht more and more people calling progressive or minimal with anothers generes ' names.


For me are minimal artists Comadura, Stropharia, Lingel, Scartface, Niebla Del Mar and anothers names with their styles and I call progressive Xenical, Auricular, Day Din (more melodic and good), Jan Tenna, AKD, Srixx, Sonus, phonatic and more......


This is only my think....



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