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Hallucinogen in Finland

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I´ve heard a rumour that Hallucinogen is coming to Finland in april, is this true? If it is, where, and when will the party bee? Where can I byt tickets??





This spring/early summer also Astral Projection and Infected Mushroom are going to play in Finland (ainakin näillä näkymin) ,the IM-gig still needs some funding, but I think it's booked to be in Makasiinit too...:)

Astral is going to play at the first party of some new club in Helsinki, don't know about the place/time yet.


Yeeees! It's time to visit our neighbours in Suomi then! =)


Yeah, I wanna hear Simon play! But I'd rather see him in Finland or any other sity in Sweden than in Stockholm. There's just too much hassle. Guards looking through your things, strange people blinding you with flashlights - I just don't feel very safe going to these big parties anymore. Respect to all the wonderful people behind Docklands, but I think that if we're not constantly changing locations and focus, we're doomed.


Outdoor parties are the best, too bad our outdoor season up here in the north is so short...

Guest Tuhatjalkaa

VAI NIIN :) johan pomppaa!!!! ootko Anna täysin varma puheistas?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?:)))))

Guest Taika-Kim


what is the point, getting so good acts here and make them play indoors? blah.


and makasiinit is the ultimate bore-dome and hellhole for parties. arrgh.


(and only slightly OT, the soundsystem in Ruskapirtti yesterday must have been one of the best I've heard in such a large indoor space in a long time. it was a joy listening to the sounds, and even more so when there was also some quite good music playedthen again, it was quite expensive from what I heard...halvalla ei vaan saa hyvää?)

Guest PuuhaMees

Taika-Kim I dont think anyone is making them play indoors. Would be interesting to know how u would arrange any of the mentioned acts to play outdoors moneywise ?. If u have a few thousand extra euros in your backpocket let me know I´ll be happy to arrange something special 4 u ;).


What the hell is happening here in Finland??

Never acts from other countries than Finland, and suddenly *BOOM* Hallucinogen, Infected Mushroom & Astral Projection ! ! W T F !??? =)

Guest PuuhaMees

Why should we make big fuss about this. Sure it is nice to get some "big" names here, but I think it is just normal progress in my eyes. I guess the word is spreading around about the nice vibes that we have here. I think everyone involved in the party scene here have contributed a lot in the past few years. We have proved that we can make on our own, musicwise, decowise & otherwise.


Remember that a lot of people have done incredible amounts of work to keep the true spirit alive, pretty much on their own cost when it comes to money. So give the respect to people who really deserve it. I like Hallucinogen myself a lot (rises a lot of nostalgic feelings), but it is not like Jesus Christ is comin 4 dinner or something.




Infected ois tosiaan buukattu makasiineille ja samoihin bileisiin jo muitakin(suomalaisia), mutta vissiin yks sponsori viela puuttus kun ne pyytaa melkosen paljon massia siita...

Mutta kylla oli saatu jo kait Aktivist, Moontv yms. sponssaa IM.ia....




Astralin keikasta lisaa spekulaatiota loytyy ainakin platinumista




mesta todennakosesti halutaan viela pitaa salassa...


Hallucinogenia makin naista odotan eniten, koska IMn oon jo nahny


Toivottavasti kuitenkin toteutus kaikki, alytonta vaan etta kaikki starat samana kevaana....

Guest PuuhaMees

There u see Taika-Kim CASH$$$ is the issue with these Super-Stars. Sponsors & @!#$, I wonder if they booked the infamous DJ Red Bull. Well just joking ;), but my point is that only good vibes dont move these guys anywhere (not to Finland at least, maybe if this was Maui it would be a different story). It is all about that cash flow. Nothing wrong with makin money, but u surely see why these people r booked in places like the Makasiinit (it is Docklands 4 Stockholm I guess). We need a real outdoor festival here (besides Koneisto). Who would have the cash ?, that is the question. Last summer I was at Camp Electric in Denmark (really nice festival). Too bad the weather was quite bad & the organizers were too enthusiastic about how much beer etc. they would sell. So at the end they were some 250000 dk short of money. They lost heaps of money. I feel sorry 4 them, since they had really put an effort to it. But hey life is tough & I am sure all us have had money problems, so we know how it is.

I just wish everything werent a money issue, but unfortunately most things r.


with all respect,



Guest The Man In The High Castl

Hello you all diamond geezzzzeers :) I try to make this message as brief as possible. There are people who don't like makasiinit as a party place and would prefer a beautiful outdoor location to roam for a night or two. But the point about launching quality parties at Makasiinit does also have an underlying issue that should be considered. Namely, that if the organizers and artist do not make venues there, we will very soon have something else standing on that piece of land. I raise my virtual hat to all the artists who are gigging there at these times (Hallucinogen, Eat Static, Ozric Tentacles and all the domestic artists as well.

Me myself pre-orderd a 100 kilowatt soundsystem for next summer. Called Helsinki, Espoo, Kirkkonummi and asked for a place. They all said no!!! So the big outdoor project will not happen this year.

About the Original Prankster soundsystem. Thanks for liking it. Our staff will make Makasiinit ROCK when Hallucinogen comes over. We will bring in a new level of PA on 20th of April. Uuups...I tried to be brief but it didn´t happend, did it!!!

All The Best

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