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5 hours ago, recursion loop said:

Something that makes you say "why on earth???" when you hear it in a track

To be fair, I think that during every 1200 Mics track... I think that's the idea!


The 1200 mics track is weird, never thought I would hear that in a psytrance track :)

Of course there is the final melody of Hallucinogen - Jiggle of the Sphinx (ruins a nice track IMO)


I will post vocal samples if you don't mind, first track that comes to mind is Asura - Like a summer day 

The sample is some politics talk about Iran, why?
Does not fit the music at all.


And a track totally ruined by the repetitive sample is Hunab Ku - Children Of The Stones



Inappropriate melodies? Maybe not, but sleazy lyrics and porn samples? Not my cup of tea.


If you're going to use porn samples at least do it well, like this:


23 hours ago, Manuser said:

I will post vocal samples if you don't mind, first track that comes to mind is Asura - Like a summer day 

The sample is some politics talk about Iran, why?
Does not fit the music at all.

Or the sample in Simply Blue which is a police report about a drunken and disorderly neighbour!


andromeda has a thing for ruining serene tracks with cheesy vocals or porn samples.


this one would be one of my favourite tracks ever if it weren't for that sample.


my example for porn samples done right would be atmos - klein aber doctor ;)

1 hour ago, Padmapani said:

my example for porn samples done right would be atmos - klein aber doctor ;)

They're not exactly obvious (I didn't even know that).

22 hours ago, Paul Eye said:

They're not exactly obvious (I didn't even know that).

i know from psynews that the sample was taken for some sort of porn movie. though with the words saying "please be careful with the genitals" in german it was no big surprise to me ;).

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

First and foremost, almost all porn samples are what _instantly_ turn me off!
The Resurex track above there ... is a good example ... turns me off. I don't like porn in psytrance, really not. When it comes to that moaning stuff, I want no cheap samples and no expensive ones for me either ... please. Seriously, I do like what women can do with their voice, but when they moan around in psy tracks ... it just seems to me that the artist couldn't think of anything better.

There are only a few noteworthy examples -- intelligent usage ... the best one has already been mentioned (yes, Atmos - Klein Aber Doctor).

On 19.3.2018 at 11:18 PM, Padmapani said:

i know from psynews that the sample was taken for some sort of porn movie. though with the words saying "please be careful with the genitals" in german it was no big surprise to me ;).

The story that I know (heard from somebody else here) goes, that Tomasz one day came home from a party where he was fed up with the sound (must have been a lot of repetitive stuff). Frustrated he sat down and watched TV ... and since it was late night, the porn movie came up where the sample was taken from ... "bitte seien Sie vorsichtig mit den Geschlechtsorganen" = "please be careful with the genitals" ... was obviously two people playing doctor. From that point on he decided to make his own sound ... and used the sample. He made a track - and that became Klein Aber Doctor, one of the first iconic and fundamentally different sounding progressive trance masterpieces.

Even if the story was not true, it's a nice legend. I think only Tomasz himself could answer that...

I do think, however, that the dialogue in porn movies can make up for some more good samples that I would even like a lot ... "warum liegt hier eigentlich Stroh" (sorry that only works in german) comes to mind.

I really would like to see more of that. Darn, maybe we gotta do this ourselves once again...

  • Like 1
On 19.03.2018 at 1:24 AM, Padmapani said:

andromeda has a thing for ruining serene tracks with cheesy vocals or porn samples.


this one would be one of my favourite tracks ever if it weren't for that sample.


my example for porn samples done right would be atmos - klein aber doctor ;)

Yes, Adromeda sometimes does very strange things in otherwise great tracks. The ones you posted are still ok, could do without the samples/vocals but they don't ruin the tracks. I think this one is the worst case, it's pretty good before 4:50 (if you are into proggy stuff ofc) but after that it suddenly becomes a total mess.



Just in case, there is also a version of Atmonizer where most porn samples are omitted (and i like it better overall)



6 hours ago, recursion loop said:

Yes, Adromeda sometimes does very strange things in otherwise great tracks. The ones you posted are still ok, could do without the samples/vocals but they don't ruin the tracks. I think this one is the worst case, it's pretty good before 4:50 (if you are into proggy stuff ofc) but after that it suddenly becomes a total mess.

Just in case, there is also a version of Atmonizer where most porn samples are omitted (and i like it better overall)

yeah, they are still ok, but they could be a lot better.

i'd argue that cruise control gets too cheesy before 4:50 (at 3:24) when the vocal comes in, but yes, it turns into a total mess later.

that remix of atmonizer is very interesting. it explores  a different direction in a nice way, leaves out most of the porn samples but sadly also leaves out the great main melody. so i don't think it'd rate it higher than the original.

7 hours ago, recursion loop said:


I have to say, I actually like this - and the more I press repeat, the more I do. It's a strange and unusual piece, I grant you that, but for somebody that used to play the cheesy Tiesto mix of Delerium - Silence up and down in the past before I found psytrance it's arelief to hear it this way ... it shows the finger to the other cheesy remixes like no other that I heard so far :D ... it's the only form I can listen to that vocal anymore.

It sounds like I'd have imagined a Ticon Remix of the song to sound like. Only Ticon made me sway like this with a grin on my face, imagining some Models On Cocaine left and right... :wub:  -- oh well don't let my gf read this :D 

Somewhat offtopic as it's not psy, SCNR, but I am just reminded ... If you really wanna see a "raped" remix - or rather, live version - of the Delerium song TOGETHER with all the sh*t annoying stuff I hate in modern elecronic music, check out this:

(the ruin starts at 4:43 ... and 5:18 is the point where it all cracks down)

THESE are horrible melodies. This is what I hate. Right there. A trance remix of a commercial song ... with vocals. Yes, not a psy video, but it i n c r e a s i n g l y is done in our music too. What da fuq! Give me some driving beats to actually go into trance and not something like this that's just here for the kiddies and emos to lift their arms up ... seriously.

Nowadays we even have to applaud and go mad if the cheesy shit vocals are some indian singing sample. Oh lord. Where is the facepalm smiley. Gah! <_< 
Just watch. In a few years we'll be there too ... this is how they grind us down. Serve us so much SHIT we scream for joy when we get served something that's not so crappy...

But porn samples I hate more :P    ..... (well I'm actually not sure :D )

Anywaay, compared to that horrid topic off-drift into commercial trance, the Andromeda remix sounds brilliant IMO. I might ask over at TA how they find it :D 

  • Like 1

Actually I like the original Delirium song. I agree that it may be called cheesy but it's sort of a classic tune for me. This Andromeda remix is really good, it has the right spaced-out vibe, good groove, all characteristics of good progressive trance but this moment from 4:50 just sounds musically wrong, bad autotune and totally unfitting chord progression. I understand that thay might want to "show middle finger" to all the wrong people who had remixed this song, or something like that, but they could have done it in some other way (e.g. by putting some porn samples into it, this still would be better).

@Padmapani I had known this Atmonizer remix long before I heard the original track. Always loved it because it is not very melodic but has very strong atmosphere. Actually now the original track sounds "wrong" to me, I agree that this melody is nice on its own but to me it sounds like it should not be here.

@RTPThis Tiesto remix is very old (and it's some other track starting at 5:18, agree that it is horrible), trance/EDM in general sounds way worse now.  I stell feel somehow nostalgic for early/mid 00's normal trance cause it was my gatweay to electronic music but what is called "trance" today has nothing to do with what trance originally used to be. Actually it's no different to "futureprog", Vini Vici, Berg, Neelix and the like as it is no more "trance" than these are "psy".


@recursion loop yes, me too ... early 00's also was my "peak" concerning normal trance (however, I got lucky that I found psytrance relatively quickly afterwards. Whoever was the good soul over at TranceAcddict that pointed me here, I thank him/her to this day :D ) ... and yes, what is being called "trance" today has not much to do with the stuff back then anymore.

We actaully have to consider ourselves lucky that the new stuff still has its own name ... being "futureprog" or "futurepsy".

But what I have learned from all this development, how psytrance is becoming etc. is, that the only way for me to keep my musical progression going is to check out other genres more. There's still good stuff out there and I'm super happy when I discover something that floats my boat. Be it psytrance, EDM, metal, ambient, industrial, folk or even hiphop ... I begin to care less and less about genre boundaries, slowly but continuously there's only "stuff I dig" and "stuff I don't dig".

By the way, to the topic ... I have thought about it and I thought I was the type of person that judges tracks as a whole ... either the whole thing sounds good to me, but when it does, I can see across the elements that are bad -- or the whole thing sounds bad. But I did not come across a case where a sample or a single melody can ruin a track for me.

But wait, there is for example Shiva Chandra & Brox - Hold On ... I don't like the sample (or, say, vocals), but the track as a whole is okay:

I sway back and forth ... the vocal is kinda horrible to me ... but the track is good.
Hey I get now what you mean. Feels bittersweet :D 
Awful feeling :D ... I much more like when I can love or hate a track outright :P 


On 18.3.2018 at 11:24 PM, Padmapani said:

this one would be one of my favourite tracks ever if it weren't for that sample.

By the way, I had to think long and hard about which track the bassline in the first half reminds me of. It is most definitely the same as in another track.

The closest I found now - before my head explodes, 'cuz it drives me MAD when I recognize something and cannot pinpoint its name in detail - is Chris Pointdexter - Darkness. Comes closest as far as I researched now.

even if it was something different (if I ever found it, I came back here and repost) ... check him out, he has no annoying pr0n samples

edit: HA, I found it: it's Ticon - Waiting For The Knights ... just pitched higher


I think the melody of the classic English Happy Birthday (to you) song is a very weird and bad melody to make into a full blown psytrance track, but holy quack, oCeLoT for sure managed to make it (an inappropriate melody) into maybe the Most Powerful PSYTRANCE track ever. Holy .... https://beatspace-dropout.bandcamp.com/track/ocelot-happy-birthday

21 hours ago, RTP said:

@recursion loop yes, me too ... early 00's also was my "peak" concerning normal trance (however, I got lucky that I found psytrance relatively quickly afterwards. Whoever was the good soul over at TranceAcddict that pointed me here, I thank him/her to this day :D ) ... and yes, what is being called "trance" today has not much to do with the stuff back then anymore.


That guy could very well be me :D I was maybe the only guy there to point to Goa tracks on that forum, I was very active between 2002 to 2005, then got bored (username Laughing Fennec). Still have great memories of this forum, it's funny I logged back recently and the forum looks exactly the same, except that it is dead or almost dead. 
I remember you were very much into uplifting trance when I posted Taucher - Is anybody out there (Talla 2XLC remix) on here ( I mean on Psynews) in the Other Electronic section and you commented on how much you love that track (epic build up, still unmatched to this day :P ).




The Andromeda track is so weird exactly because of those lyrics that sound different and more normal in the Tiesto remix (overrated track by the way!).

5 hours ago, Manuser said:

That guy could very well be me :D I was maybe the only guy there to point to Goa tracks on that forum, I was very active between 2002 to 2005, then got bored (username Laughing Fennec). Still have great memories of this forum, it's funny I logged back recently and the forum looks exactly the same, except that it is dead or almost dead. 
I remember you were very much into uplifting trance when I posted Taucher - Is anybody out there (Talla 2XLC remix) on here ( I mean on Psynews) in the Other Electronic section and you commented on how much you love that track (epic build up, still unmatched to this day :P ).




The Andromeda track is so weird exactly because of those lyrics that sound different and more normal in the Tiesto remix (overrated track by the way!).

Cheers! And thanks if it was you. Don't know if there's even anybody else from "old TranceAddict" around ... especially still around since :) 

Yes, the Talla 2XLC - Is anybody out there (DJ Taucher remix) is still brilliant (it's the other way round with the artists, hehehe) :D

I admit I said this before I knew that there was a lot more in this direction ... Anthony Rother for example, his music is full of these eerie atmospheres ... but still, brilliant track.


Anyway. Here's one for the topic.

I mean, it's not a really good track, but at least until 4:00 it's okay ... but then it gets crap :(

The end after 6:30 is okay again :P 

The problem with so much of the stuff lately. And on gigs they just mix the breaks together.

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