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Artist: Sab Kuch Milegator

Title: Surrounded By Surreality

Release: March 15, 2018

Label: Aint no Label could handle this (Self Release)



Surrender to Surreality Intro

Extrapyramidal Twerking On A Pyramid (RMX):

Twistortion Rodeo

Caramel Carousel:

First you, then others & Third eye

The Point Of No Yes No (Overwrite Engaged)

Disorient Express



The words ‘forest’ and ‘suomi’ never drop down in my Ecosia (Yea i save the trees) suggestion bar. One would have to assume that this is entirely due to me never having searched for those genre’s. One would be right. Then along came Klaus Akan Tea? Kaos Aiken Tah? Kana Nakan Tea? Kauas Aikain Taa! Its Kauas Aikain Taa alright. Along it came, it took 4 attempts over 3 months to wrap my head around it (I’m a slow learner), but once I got there it was well worth my time.


Now Sab Kuch Milegator is back with the much more pronounceable and equally as danceable Surrounded by Surreality. With a front cover that the Astral Projection guy couldn’t fault, we are off to a good start.


Surrender to Surreality Intro: Love me an intro. Love me an intro that lasts a bit longer and goes to stranger places. But this a niggly little niggle that we shouldn't dwell on. Still nice to have an intro to begin with.


Extrapyramidal Twerking On A Pyramid (RMX): Did you know that Extrapyramidal was a real word? I did not. Slightly less weird than the original, i’d say more refined and a little less exciting as a result, first song of the album though so it’s really just warming us up.


Twistortion Rodeo: Rick coming at cha, which is fitting because with more Rick comes more madness. Twistortion Rodeo delivers big time. Entrancing atmospheres surround you from start to finish. The 4 minute break is appreciated, always love a little broken beat.


Caramel Carousel: SKM brings it down a notch with a slightly less crazy first act of the song.  We got 9 minutes though, I wouldn’t expect it to stay this way. A more build focused track with some beautiful little background things going on. The voice samples, as always fit perfectly and before you know you’re lost in another one of Sab Kuch’s mental trips.


First You, Then Others & Third Eye: ‘Oh hey dad’ ‘No, nothings wrong i’m just listening to music’ ‘No nothings wrong, yes this is music’ ‘Well everything is just sounds really’ ‘yea but the weird noises make melodies and create a rhythm’ ‘No i’m not trying to be clever’ ‘No please don’t send me back to the therapist! ITS JUST MUSIC!!’ ‘Well at least let me bring my headphones along’


This is the weirdness I like. Neat track name, neat little intro. A smooth ass track that’s really quite easy to get lost in. You could be forgiven for thinking that a 12 minute track could get old fast, today we forgive all.


The Point Of No Yes No (Overwrite Engaged): Another great track name leads us into the darker realm of frequencies. What would we do without Rick and Morty samples? What would we do without Sabby K. The song really explodes into awesomeness at the 7 minute mark, love it.


Disorient Express: My god these track titles are hot. Less twists and turns in this song but a solid Goa lead sits in the back throughout the track. One of my favourites.


Gringrinder: The ultimate antidote to the bullshit Christmas cheer we all endure at the end of the year. Then again, Scandi christmas is a little darker than us out West (and the Fins, if we can really consider them Scandinavian, are the darkest of all. better sense of humor too). All these little social factors come together in this track. Also, you don’t hear a lot of explicit language in trance, which only just occurred to me now.


Sab Much Milegator comes through with easily the most well planned thoughtful album to date. Negatives of this are you miss out on some of that suomi madness that we got blasted with in Kauas Aikain Taa, if like me you are the sort of person who relishes in confusion you come out of this a little less so.

Positives (and there are many) are that for someone like Tsotsi, this meticulous  crossing of genres creates an unrivaled listening experience.


There's no point in me rating this as every piece of Goa I listen to sounds amazing to me. But what about Suomi and Forest? Well that’s a different story, no one i know (and i know three artists) nails this like Sir’ Kuch. The crossing over of genre’s, the patience, the vision in the tracks, it’s all there. I Insta purchased without regret, and based on the last two albums from the Milegator will continue to do so.


On 4/23/2018 at 8:47 PM, Redo said:

I disagree about the samples, I think they're very annoying. I'm going to stick with his previous album. Nice review.

Thanks amigo.

Since i don't hear a lot of samples in Goa i find them pretty refreshing and definitely funny. I guess they could snap you out of the trance a little but it would only be to make me giggle.

On 4/23/2018 at 2:01 PM, Void Mantra said:

Thanks Tsotsi for the review. I'm checking this out as soon as I can. 

Cheers Void, it took me a few listens to let my brain slow everything down and process it but well worth the work

  • 2 weeks later...

@tsotsi Thanks a lot for taking the time and writing a review. It's encouraging and inspiring to receive even some feedback now and then. I'm very glad you enjoyed the music!

@redo Haha it's my humour but all things aside, it's unfortunate to hear you couldn't enjoy the music due to the samples. Maybe next time!

  • 7 months later...

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