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XREAM the 1st


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Guest Darkcloud

I got the club version of this new EP and I am very pleased to tell you that the light after 3 years of darkness is here! what a tremendous song!!!

I need the other 2 of the EP if someone can give them to me (mp3)

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i heard it on saikosounds...

well u got the typical fat x-dream style ....but those vocals are just really

bad imho... doesn't fit well.... What's up with all this cheesy singing in tracks lately... what's next? psy-pop?

anyway hope that singing is just a phase bands are going through...

i guess i was eagerly waiting for this one which might explain why i was so disapointed...

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Guest stouner

Yea, psy-pop! :)

One thing I dont get is the popularity of the Sub6's song Ra'heya... I've tried to understand it by listening the song couple of times but I just don't get it... Maybe the remixes are good then (?).

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"well u got the typical fat x-dream style ...."


no, actually I'd say that the 1st doesn't sound like ANYTHING xdream has made before except for a tiny little sideproject called Der Interpret... it's like they sat in their studio and thought "man, this minimal techtrance stuff is getting old, let's do something else!". HOWEVER, if you listened to their latest comp in date - The Delta Force, you could've seen this coming... still, who would've thought that the little introductory track "Der Interpret : Wechselstorm" would be the new definition of X-Dream's sound???


But again I say, doing something different doesn't necessarily mean that it's better... I mean anything that has lyrics as stupid as "We are the 1st of cyber evolution/ We are the first to program your future/ We are the 1st of cyber evolution/ We are the first we are the last" can't be good now can it?



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Guest Mike D

Actually Midi Miliz is Spirallianz who are not anything to do with x-dream except that arcus worked on afew, very few, of their tracks, and one half of midi miliz is on half of the delta... basically the 4 leaders of geramn psy techtrance mix to make all the grousp we know x-dream, midi miliz, the delta, C.O.P etc.

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Guest necro

Darkcloud.... 'I DON'T HAVE A CREDIT CARD' ..... must be the lamest excuse for ripping off artisits. Most sites nowdays accept a whole variety of payments ...such as pay pal....etc.... etc.


Respect underground music....... support the artists who make our scene what it is !!!!!

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Guest Hallucinogenious

but for drugs you all have money eh?


(for those who do drugs,so dont start bitching i dont do drugs etc etc)

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Guest necro

hey SMD !!!!!! i'm not the one who buys a new synth every other week

;- )


Anyway no need to do our dirty laundry in public now.


was just stressing that if u r gonna rip music........ don't come up with elaborate excuses to why u do it.... eg no ccredit card...... no psy strores in my country..... with the exception of maybe living in angola or the congo....... u can get psy cd's anywhere now days legitimately one way or another.

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Guest tmel

"Most sites nowdays accept a whole variety of payments ...such as pay pal....etc.... etc. "


Just how are you going to add funds to your paypal account without a credit card?


I don't own a credit card either, but fortunately at least trance-shop and saikosounds accept bank transfer.

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