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Guest The Invisible Man

exciting news from twisted!!!


"twisted now compiling a twisted chill album including brand new material from ott, greg hunter, prometheus, simon p, tristan, merv and a shpongle......brand new version3 twisted website coming very soon..."


why am i getting the feeling that it's a LOT easyier to make a good chill-out compilation these days rather than a full-on comp?



Guest The Invisible Man

well, I think Twisted chill out music tries (and succeeds) to reach a wider audience. that's why they focus on that. but they are not just releasing half-baked stuff. take a look at hi-fi companions for example, which is a clever blend of old and new.

Guest Mike D

and what about the toher 4 or 5 albums/compilations promised by twsted? will they ever happen? will this ever happen? they seem topromise a helluva lot more than they deliver!

Guest The Invisible Man

yes but they deliver TOP quality. quality not quantity is what we need


they do deliver.....but it just takes fucking ages!


all the other albums they've got on the unreleased page, probably with the exception of the twisted sessions mix cd's, will almost certainly see the light of day within the next year, as well as shpongle 3.

Guest grahf

I wanna see an album from Western Rebel Alliance (I know they promised one), that could be really really sweet

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