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SY Records

1. A new day
2. DNA (OSG remix)
3. Alien genetics
4. Moon over 604
5. Ancient forest
6. Mysteries of life
7. Akashic intelligence
8. Step by step
9. Am I the universe (Multiverse remix)

Out of Time is the third album by Portuguese producer Xamanist (Sérgio Ribeiro), after "Initiation" released in 2009, and "7"  released in 2016. Let's see how it sounds! 

"A new day" opens the journey with a quiet progressive approach. It launches the album on a safe and relaxing tempo. However the last two minutes offer a sweet melodic climax... "DNA" delivers more melodies and more twists. The sounds are expressive, scintillating, and even though the bassline still sounds progressive, the content is clearly more goa trance oriented, on the morning side. Amazing stuff.

"Alien genetics" offers a more full-on oriented bassline this time, but the music still progresses at a smooth pace and reaches an interesting melodic climax around the 5th minute mark, and another one towards the end. The more distinct bassline coupled with the trance atmosphere make it a nice journey... "Moon over 604" is what goa trance should sound like in 2019 : ) it is a modern approach of the goa sound, not often you hear middle eastern melodies on a progressive psytrance structure, this remarkable composition has a Chi-A.D. feel. Clever and stunning stuff.

"Ancient forest"... well I'll confess it was hard to reach the quality of the previous track, so it did not grab me as much, that being said we hear again some interesting moments such as the bassline twists... "Mysteries of life"... here I love the bouncing melodic trance sounds in the second minute, later completed by more depth, more layers. More intensity after the 4th minute mark make it very danceable, perhaps the most energetic track so far.

"Akashic intelligence" is perfect for a sunrise set. The slight floating and euphoric melodic touch is sometimes reminiscent of Yahel. Check it out ; ) ... "Step by step" is somehow similar to the previous track, very trancy and playful. The last melodic lines in the outro sound a bit weird to my ears, but nice fluffy track anyway.

"Am I the universe" ends the album. It has a sharper kickline and warmer bassline, however the overall atmosphere did not convince me as much as what I listened before, but it is certainly decent and very well produced.

And here ends the journey. Xamanist has a clear sound identity. The music is very easy to digest and perfect for trance lovers who dig the laid back approach with a modern structure. I doubt many will remember here, but Cosmic Tone - Overwhelming (2003) possessed that kind of soft style, just that it was more minimal and more focused on building deep and hypnotic atmospheres. Xamanist - Out of Time is for me like a modern equivalent of that album, just more danceable and clearly more goa trance oriented. 
I listened to the album on Youtube but will not hesitate to buy it as soon as I can.

Rating: 8/10.

Listen / buy: https://xamanist.bandcamp.com/album/out-of-time



@Manuser thank you so much for your review!
It's great to know how people experience my music. I would describe most of the tracks in a very similar way. On others you suprise me with angles I've never thought about before :)

Again thank you for the time you took listening to the music and writing the review.


  • Like 1

I liked Xaminist's Initiation. Wow it's been 10 years. I didn't know he released an album ("7") in 2016. Thanks for the notice Manuser and the review! 

I like Out of Time (currently streaming it here: https://xamanist.bandcamp.com/album/out-of-time

A New Day builds to the warm, complex sound delivered throughout the album. It's unique, fairly progressive, and psy-influenced. Act 2 is little more than a brief transition to new, interesting terrain. Simple but effective. I was hooked from 4:40 forward.

DNS (OSG Remix) is more energetic and bouncy. Again, unique (catchy) melody work! All three acts compliment each other. I like the tempo change around 2:43 followed by the mini (climax-esque, unconventional) inspired tune. Good transitions. I liked the work in Act 2+3 too.

Alien Genetics has a warm, engaging sound via the first two minutes before continuing to improve. The track develops beautifully from 3:45 forward, thanks to the strong ethereal vision, arrangement, and direction. I love the melody in the last act. This is easily my favorite and the catchiest IMO track thus far.

Moon Over 604 is interesting. I see the Chi A.D. influence and it's clearly very much its own track. Solid and atmospheric stuff. Chi-A.D.'s melodies are generally more ethereal, memorable, and emotional to me, but I like the direction this goes in.

Ancient Forest doesn't grab me until the build up Vhhhhhooo...!!! sound at 2:40.. then it begins to get interesting. The last act's melodies are good! 

Mysteries of Life has a very good act 2 & 3. It's energetic and fun! I'd love to hear more songs with this exciting energy by this artist.

Akashic Intelligence is uplifting, morning-esque, and feels good to listen to. If it was going for a stellar sunrise track, it could have used more elements/sunrise feels, but I never felt that this was going for a pure sunrise track. The ending was really nice, especially as the new sound takes form.

Step by Step became more interesting as it incorporated more sounds into the mix int he last act. 5:45 forward (with the key changes) is very nice, and the synth at 6:56. I like the fluid, smooth atmospheric effects he uses.

Am I the Universe (Multiverse Remix) could have been more memorable, eventful, interesting, and varied. The atmosphere track has some nice sounds & synths towards the end. I enjoyed the other tracks more.

I like the artist's unconventional sound and happy to see he kept the Goa influence. The album sounds new and at times nostalgic, unpredictable, unique, and risk-taking, with good industrial-esque accent effects, sound/melody work, and atmosphere. Now I have to go hear the artist's 2016 album "7" that I somehow missed!


@Jon Cocco Thanks a lot for your detailed review, I'm glad you liked it! Please check "7", it's slower and more laid back but has its own magic :)

@Manuser Thanks a lot for buying the album! :)


  • 5 weeks later...
On 10/25/2019 at 3:17 AM, Celaripo said:

very nice album i prefer this style over new school goa

Thank you, my friend, I like to blend the old with the new! :)

  • 5 years later...

Good album, though I thought a few melodies here and there sounded a little unharmonious (track 3 to name it) but that's just my picky self, I really enjoyed the album for the positive atmosphere and the melodic density. Some constructive criticism I can make is in regards to the vocals samples in track 2, pretty sure not only myself would notice they do not fit right in the track, either too loud or lack of effects, an added echo or other effects would have helped to fit it better...

Do not miss this album for home listening, a very nice discovery!!


PS: I read the comparison with Chi-Ad at some moments, hmm listen to the intro of track 2, sounds like Biocandy! 


I feel like I have become much more critical of music - all music - and harder to please lately which probably says something about my outlook on the world in general. This has nothing to do with Xamanist: I don't believe I will ever fully tire of Goa trance but in the short term I am certainly at risk of tiring of any generic and mediocre sounding bits of it (and those are to be found even in some of the very best albums and tracks).

I listen only at home these days and much prefer midtempo and downtempo stuff most of the time.

The point to all this is that when I read this album has full-on and progressive psytrance elements and started listening to the first minute and a half, I wasn't expecting this to be to my taste at all. But once the great Goa melodies and sounds came in, I started to enjoy it and having listened to the whole thing, it was very pleasant to have in my ears as I went about my day. Every track is creative and lively and just when I start to think it is going to become predictable or generic, another beautiful unexpected organic sound or captivating melody comes in. Great work.


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