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I haven't logged in to this site for almost 9 years. Only the fact that Ultimae appears to be phasing out made me come back to check if someone over at Psynews is aware, and to hopefully even hear some information from the officials.

The label, although not defunct, has been releasing less as less music over years. No new concepts, no continuation of previous compilation series. What was particularly saddening is that Magnus has left the label. When he released his Red/Green/Blue discs on Droneform, I thought that it's only a sporadic move to release some out-of-concept music on side label without implying that he's actually leaving. But it's become apparent over years that Solar Fields is no longer the resident at Ultimae. He hasn't released anything on the label for years. And the history showed that it was arguably one of the most crucial points in the further formation of the label.

I love Ultimae. And have always loved, and while it's at one hand just a formal case (I mean, as long as good music is released – go check newest Solar Fields, – who cares where?), it's still concerning that the powerhouse is no longer that.

So whatever is going on with Ultimae, a label once exemplifying the golden standard of Intelligent Psychedelic Ambient, that we, the community, have loved for so many years?

What are the relations between Magnus and Vincent? We haven't seen new music from old artists for several years now. Is the label slowly phasing out? Are there any constructive plans?

Life is life and this particular post is not about breaking natural flow, but more about showing respect to the label. We still love Flying Rhino and Dragonfly, artists like Blue Planet Corporation, Shakta and Darshan, even though none of these labels or artists have released anything new or significant since their prime years in 90s. Similarly, we talk about Ultimae because we love this (already classic) label and the music it has presented to us as an unbelievable gift.


Hi Psynews! It's good to post here after so long.


Nice to see you back :)

... this is not such a big surprise for me, I registered Carbon Based Lifeforms to move away rom Ultimae aswell

(they release on Blood Music now ... know that label? I knew it before, but it's not exactly the address I would go to if I am a psytrance oriented man, you know? :D ...  from Ultimae to Blood Music is a rather big jump -- in my head (then again, the cbl music makes me so sad recently I would find it fitting if they'd even release on Cold Meat Industry :P ) ... )

I'd also like to know why CBL and Solar Fields left, but they seem alright without them ... Magnus by the way formed his own label droneform ... I don't know

I'd like to ask Vincent Villuis himself but I have no contact...


Ultimae is not doing bad, on the contrary. Changing direction to the more easily accepted Dub Techno Glitch genre they are actually doing better (as a record label and record store). I have given up on them years ago. 

BTW, did you know RGB collection was to be released on Digital Reprints? Plans changed just before the Kickstarter was launched because Sidereal moved in offering to re-release the whole back catalog of Solar Fields. I was actually glad, they deserved a proper release. (Still struggling for Mirror's Edge :(

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