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Hello everyone,

Hope your doing well, at home or at work for those who need it.

I've been wondering for a while what a psy track with jazz influences/elements would look like. I mean... I don't know exactly what I mean... but I do imagin some psy tune (any genre, up or downtempo) with let's say "traditional" instruments samples (sax, bass, ...) OR digital melodies but with groove, mastery and fever.

Today I came across Dr Strangefunk and this has kind of revived my curiosity.

In fact, sometimes when I listen to jazz I miss all the strong beats and powerful bass and all the weird sounds of psy music. And when listening to psytrance I sometimes miss the mastery, the inspiration and well the "theoretical skills" of jazzmen.

Don't know if this makes sense. Or if I am clear :)

In case it does, do you guys have some artist/track/label/... in mind?


There are some influences at tracks from Zenon Records. Not many but there is a few. I even had  a list once but I can't find it at this moment. :(


Awesome, thank you for these tips!

Koxbox, very playful, very nice. The whole album is a materpiece.
Transfinder, nice as well but somehow easier imo ("eveybody!")
shaolin..., waouh this was unexpected after the two previous ones :) freee! it's harsher but I like it

I will listen to more of their sounds in case they have more tracks like this.

Zenon records, ok, I will explore more in this direction.

Loopus, I love how they let the instruments take space and time to play, not only shorts samples.. Just listened to some tracks (including Motherfuncked). I will listen to more.

Thank you!

4 hours ago, Wabax said:

Loopus, I love how they let the instruments take space and time to play, not only shorts samples.. Just listened to some tracks (including Motherfuncked). I will listen to more.


What a great track :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dG45B7b6inM

Also some nice stuff from Kino Oko:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bdFh_scxSI
Not the full album is jazzy but I highly recommend it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlh1_w4qDAE


@Gamma is right, Zenon Records has a history of releasing some jazzy tracks, the music is usually much more minimal and darker than the suggestions above. For example this track in V/A Intelligent Manipulation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5x0kLu-5dU I love the rhythmic in this track even though the jazz elements are not very abundant.

Or this track from Krumelur (technically not on Zenon Records but it could have been): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=951rzkjisLg

Probably not what you are looking for but posting this just for the intro (the rest of the track is more conventional psytrance): Phillax - Goblins ate my piano

And some strange stuff from Infected Mushroom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6dNZANyYMQ



Thanks for the time spent listing all these tracks :)

Kino Oko sounds very interesting! Man upon the Rainbow is so danceable.

Krumulur yes, it is like the swamp's jam-session :)

On 3/29/2020 at 3:04 PM, Manuser said:

Probably not what you are looking for

I am not looking for something specific. OK, perhaps I was secretly hoping to come across the collaboration between John Zorn and one of these hitech producers. Or maybe a ambient remix of Pat Metheny :)

I feel the two styles has a lot in common and a lot to share.

Anyway, you provide me with good stuff. Good times dancing in the living room with the kid :)


I found this  (hem, looking for "psyjazz" in youtube, could have been the first step!)

Tratosphere - Bazar Bizar

It is downtempo, not psytrance. The album sound nice and [36:45] Budragar or [42:30] Banana Boat could be two examples of what we're talking about, on the chill side. No?

  • 2 weeks later...

oh shit!
Thanks because I haven't listen any of these both before.
This track from Procs is brillant. Listened to the rest of the album, it is harsh and quite intense. Great.
Hallu. horses: I don't know what track you refer to, maybe the trancy d&b boogie one? ::)
What a demential ride.

  • 2 months later...

Browsing the forum I figured out psy+jazz was a recurrent request.

Anyway, for the pleasure...

Jazz parts fit so well in these 3 tracks.





Read somewhere that Tromesa could be also a good candidate. Any clue?

  • 2 weeks later...

Old is gold, that's also true for Zenon Records.

In my opinion this is probably the most underrated album in psytrance history. It certainly is very jazzy/funky. I love it!

  • Like 1
  • 5 weeks later...

Thank you for these ones.

Really dig the Decoy's sound. Somehow, I feel that the jazz parts are not omniprescent, rather like some subtle touches here and there, while the jazz background of the duo was clearly highlighted in the interview. Not responding... offers nice surprises! Best Ornette's nest, pio pio... avian  interest? "Bird" : and there you have it :)

And thanks Ake, for this shadow fx. "Shiny" intro, hypnotic tracks, great album for sure. Liquid Crop Duster, this is the one you were thinking about when referring to jazz/funk? Sounds familiar with Sensient and Decoy.


Made me look further:


Terrafractyl - Electronic Evolution



Hello Guys !

Great stuff on piano on this one : https://soundcloud.com/hypnoticpeafowl/hypnotic-peafowl-hep-not
And also LGMX french brass band play some trance tunes : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixBVMSl_YJI


I only know this ... not psy, but an extraordinarily brilliant tune:

you could do a psy remix of it, that would be awesome :wub:

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

Hope it's OK to wake old threads up here. I was a lurker when I read this one.

I'd classify this track more as experimental / noise than psytrance but LSD Nikon by Jam & Spoon has distorted jazz or blues samples throughout along with a camera shutter sound and some weird stereo effects.


Have you tried the Terrafractyl albums, definitely some jazz influences if you ask me...

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