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Guest shaman

Im fuckin bored of full on psytrance... old school is better...isnt that true ?

Guest Nefarious

No, I don't believe so. Just cos something is "Old school" does not automatically make it better, what a load of old horse shit. Surely there were releases that sucked, back then. Collecting old stuff is cool cos its great to see the evolution of a style of music. For all the old boys and gals its just what was around as the scene/style started.


Sure, there's plenty of shit around, but if your so lazy that you cant find at least a few releases you like, and they do exist, then good luck chasing down the old stuff. Eventually you'll find them thin on the ground and what then?


Personally I've never listened to the "old" stuff. I'm 28 but have only listened for the last 3 years. Lot of catching up to do though! Only old stuff I have is: Hallucinogen - Lone Deranger(if i hear another word about its greatness I'm gonna puke)


Kox Box - Dragontales (re - issue, but this is tasty)


Tristan - Audiodrome(not bad)


X dream - radio (pretty cool)


Orichalcum and the Deviant ( ok )


Over the last 3 years the other 40+ 12" singles and albums, plus the 250+ cd's I have obtained are, I guess "New". And their tough as nails! Hard n' dark baby!!!!!



But for fucks sake, just collect old stuff, stop buying new stuff, stop whinging and chase what YOU like.


Cos i am a new listener, i will prefer new stuff, but fuck me, its sweet.


I too dislike obvious, in yer' face, full - on shite, but thats where you make a choice and bother to actually RESEARCH artists and find more underground, kickin tunes.


Enjoy your old stuff, but don't say its better.




p.s - you might want to avoid the Life - crystal matrix comp.

Parasense trax are cool, Suria as well, Fungus Funk is ok(kinda different than usual???), but the GMS/Talamasca makes me want to munch on my own frozen urine blocks, fukin awful riffs!!!!!


If thats the shit your refering to, and I imagine it is, then fair enuff mate.


Check the latest Mistress of Evil comp and the Serephana - Deliver us from evil comp, I dont have my grubby hands on em' yet, but they will be awesome!!!!!!

Guest Blaaargh

Nice post Towelie! You kick ass! Way to go! Positive thinking never reached Funland eh?

Guest shaman

i see you took this serios , you just named a few old school albums mate , you forgot the aswame pleiadians from 97 and alot of stuff that came in that period even psychaos had an ep in 95 with a , if i can say very good track and meaby you didnt got the times right but the "old school goa" was hard to work on it mate.. now if i want to make music and a have some money i could make an album in at least 2 months , belive me .. ive saw that happening ... i didnt ment new psytrance sucks ass , i ment the full on boring artists that you you said you dont like either.. what you named there are only consacrated artists. Anyway i like new stuff too but 80% of them have the same style and this bored the hell out of me , my conclusion is that psytrance became very commecial and they dont do this for fans and for the "goa spirits" how it was supposed to say some time ago ,so they should just work more at theyer projects . My opinion,no offence !


P.s. : and yes there is bullshit old school if you never had the chance to listen to it carefull

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