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If you want the most comprehensive pred. programming examples (not only for virus or vax etc.) then refer to my old friend SPUD who needed to migrate from YT to BC as ofc YT does not like much "alternative views":


I am nexus77 btw. in the comments :) And if you should be confused what he has with the space NEEDLE and the submarines, he was one of the 1st to "predict" a major false flag event near the area of Seattle (which has the space needle - needle ofc for the vax) and it might have to do with a submarine. Coincidence was that I read a novel 3-4 yrs ago which also had the very same theme.

And do not take this TOO serious if you are not open to this theme of pred. programming / zionists / nwo /  etc. 

Here an example from Psy scene for possible vax pred prog:

the delta of course for DELTA variant_



Has even a masked guy w/ what seems a radiation sign or biohazard sign!!


here more x-ray / radiation theme - but tbh the titles seem not much connected ecxept perhaps:
Supercell + Dr. Rayman

Ok this is a bit out there, but---


.. can be interpreted you getting an alien (to your body) spike protein injected.... also has the CIA in the name :P

EDIT; The Delta were in this sampler:



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