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UFO’s, Aliens & Esoterica in Psy-Trance tracks…


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Guest Slavkovski

I believe this to be a legitimate subject to be posted in ‘General discussions about Psy-Trance’.


I was wondering how many people believe in the following matters?


UFO’s, aliens, other dimensional realities, astral projection, remote-viewing, esoterica etc…


I will be surprised if the answer is anything other than ‘Yes, of course, I am open with these matters!’


Half the tracks in the Psy-Trance genre are about these very important, but often ignored and/or ‘laughed off’ matters.


How many tracks exactly? Too many to count!


Do the Psy-Trance listeners share the same outlook on reality as the artists?

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Guest aricz

I *know* Astral projection is possible. Its just that i don't believe it's my mind/soul going outside my body. It's all in your mind. Astral world/Astral projection? It could be named anything. Thing is, it's possible to be more or less 100% conciouss when you're asleep dreaming. Hard to belive?


And the rest of your subjects, i don't believe in it until i see/experience myself. It may excist. Keep'ya mind open.

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Guest oskari

yeah sure, i believe in those all,

but ufos are not to me, they are not those silvery small bubbles hovering over the night sky and abducting people, ufos are extraterrestial beings somewhere there in the universe, doing their stuff, not necessary flying to Earth, anyway haven't seen any aliens myself, but maybe someone has - that i can believe.

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Guest Slavkovski

So far, this is the positive, open-minded response I was expecting from Psy-Trance enthusiasts.


>>>>>>>>Thing is, it's possible to be more or less 100% conciouss when you're asleep dreaming. Hard to belive?<<<<<<<<<


Lucid Dreaming? Or are you talking about 'Waking Dreams' or ‘ASP’? Some say this is the beginning stage of Astral Projection / Out of Body Experience. Try to experiment when you are in that state (if that is what you are talking about).


Intrasomatic (in the mind) vs Exosomatic (actual astral form leaves your body) is an interesting discussion, and very relevant to Psy-Trance I might add!


And as for aliens...


“Where do they come from. What do they want”

Total Eclipse – Aliens


Relevant indeed!

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Guest Slavkovski

Another things about aliens…


Many people attempt to answer this question in a modern-day context, in respect to the present, modern-day UFO and alien phenomena. People ask for evidence. Even though there is a wealth of evidence for the modern-day UFO and alien phenomena, this is never enough for most people.


The important point these people are ignoring is the past. All one must do is delve into the past, and look into our own planet’s past history and study the ancient world cultures, and then they will realise that the existence of extra-terrestrials is far more believable than they had possibly imagined.


These cultures in their texts and traditions describe ‘Sky-Gods’ coming down from the stars and teaching the population wisdom and knowledge, and assisting them with creating their early civilisations, some of which still can not be explained today. Are the ‘Ancient Astronaut’ theories true?


I could write pages of this…


Anyway, these interesting ideas and Psy-Trance coexist beautifully. When I listen to Psy-Trance these are the subjects I usually think of…

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i love psytrance and i really dont buy those things about aliens,,, i mean they do exists, the universe is in huge.. but the thing is,, why the fuck would they travel thousends of LIGHT YEARS to come here in a secret way... i think that we are the aliens,, when in a party im in the "mood" sometimes i really get a futuristic feel, something like a non human atitude, like a robot or alien or something (with full on music of course),,, and i like it..

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Guest Slavkovski

>>>>>>>>>>>i think that we are the aliens,, when in a party im in the "mood" sometimes i really get a futuristic feel, something like a non human atitude, like a robot or alien or something (with full on music of course),,, and i like it..<<<<<<<<<<<<


Hehe. We will find out one day...


Are we part of an infinite universe that is swarming with life? If not, that seems a little scary us being here all by ourselves.


If the information is accurate, they actaully do not travel light years, or in a linear fashion. First of all there are two types of gravity - Gravity A and Gravity B. One is the instantaneous propagation of gravity which their crafts (supposedly) hook on to. It is the same 'plane' people like clairvoyants and remote-viewers hook on to, to make time nor distance a barrier.


'U.R. The Alien'

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Guest aricz

Hehe, i just don't believe i have an astral form/soul/anything that LEAVES my body when i have lucid dreaming/astral projection/out-of-body-experience/whatever. To me all those are the same thing. There's a difference between how aware and conciouss i am when i'm having a conciouss dream. It has to do with how tired i am, how energic i feel, etc.


I've been reading lots of stuff when it comes to dreaming. To me, it's just a conciouss dream. You know you're asleep dreaming. No more no less. I'm not into the religious/spiritual stuff surrounding this experience (I was when i began having them, when i started to meditate). But now, i've choosen to believe its just something in your brain. And that's pretty damn spaced out itself =)


And something else, about ALIENS, UFO's. Seriously, when you watch interviews with people claiming they've been contacted by aliens, notice how similiar it is to lucid dreaming/astral projection/out-of-body-experience. Almost EVERYTIME it starts with the notorious PARALYZE:) The sounds, light. Everything that's just like the experience mentioned above. It's all in your mind (i belive).

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Guest Slavkovski

Many people who claim to have been abducted actually suffer from 'Waking Dreams' or ‘Awaremess during Sleep Paralysis (ASP)’. In essence they are sleeping and dreaming (therefore they are paralysed), but with their eyes open.


Now look what I have done. This is becoming into a discussion about sleep disorders! Is it still relevant?


According to this track it is: Space Tribe - Waking Dreams


What about DMT, that your pineal gland naturally produces. One can have their own hallucinotory experieces without any drugs if they wish.

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im telling you we are the aliens, we are the strange guys listening futuristic from outer space music, with our eyes wide open, sometimes speaking something noone can understand, looking at the stars like if we miss home...

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A very interesting subject, guys ... thanks for putting it up :)

I guess I just add my 2 cents to it all...


Are we part of an infinite universe that is swarming with life? If not, that seems a little scary us being here all by ourselves.

I don't believe we are all alone here ... remember that our bodies are made of elements that only exist because they were produced by stars (which died later and spread the elements in a gigantic supernova explosion over all the surrounding space). There's this theory that the earth once got hit by a comet from one of those died stars, which brought life to earth. There must have been other comets which flew to other parts of the universe.


And aliens ... I believe in "aliens". I believe that out there there are many creatures and stuff like that ... maybe you just can not see them, can not feel them! Remember that your body uses the five senses to check what's around. Take for example the visual sense. Your eyes are receptors for light, but only a special sort of light! For example you can't see the radioactive gamma rays, but they are light too! So if there is a being which just consists of gamma rays (define "being" ... a being can be everything, also a clump of gamma rays) you cannot see it, cannot feel it! And you can't hear it too, because it uses a frequency to communicate which is too high for our ears to hear. So ... the "real" world might not be how you really see and feel it.


And there's so much more I could talk about ... other, higher dimesions; beings that are living in other dimensions; the technology of invisibility (which is not that hard to realize); time voyages and the resulting "timequakes" ... oh, there's so much...

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--I believe that out there there are many creatures and stuff like that ... maybe you just can not see them, can not feel them! --


yes, it is possible, but its unlikely to be a reality... our reality, probably it was in the past probably t will happen in the ages to come... but today?? no man, i dont buy those stories about abduction and that kind of crap, you got to have a very short vision to consider it true.. not saying taht you believe it just talking in a general point of view...

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Guest Slavkovski

There is some excellent posting going on here... Thankyou for all of your detailed responses.


I view dimensions somewhat as a radio dial. We are just tuned into one station, out of an infinite number of stations.


>>>you got to have a very short vision to consider it true<<<


On the contrary.


I also don’t think we should begin insulting people, on a harmonious Psy-Trance forum of all places!


On alien abductions. The only way to consider if it's true, is to go and visit an alien abductee support group and judge for yourself (my relative's friend did this and ended up producing a documentary about it).


There are two possibilities. It is either a new psychological phenomena people are experiencing, or it's true.


For me both are acceptable, and none are ‘crap’.


Open-minded people do not have to prove it to anyone.


The relevance to Psy-Trance? Ask Joti Sidhu:


Psychaos – They Tried To Grab Me

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Open-minded people do not have to prove it to anyone.



youre so right. i take back what i just writed.... its only that i have a agnostic education and everything that isnt proved is not in my believes,, but your right, i should be more educated to give an informed opinion...

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Guest Slavkovski

Well, it is extremely difficult to prove something that is not quite physical. Much of it is metaphysical. Even if there are alleged physical remnants of potential contact people will always say “no it’s not true” due to their past experiences and/or belief systems.


There are also some people who believe because they want it to be true.


Though of course I am not critical of anybodies beliefs.


For me I don't let my past experiences and/or belief systems filter out any information, no matter how 'outrageous' it appears. Whatever it is, I’ve been fascinated since I was a child, and I've been reading and researching these subject matters for 15 years.


To cap off this post, this is some information about the particular documentary I was mentioning before:


Abductees (dir. Paul Vester, 1995, 11 mins). An animated documentary, based on interviews, hypnotic regression tapes, and drawings by members of a support group of New Yorkers who believe they have been abducted by aliens.


Also not to forget the Psy-Trance:


The Infinity Project – UFOrica

Total Eclipse - Aliens

Eat Static – Abduction

Astral Projection – Searching For UFO’s

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--I believe that out there there are many creatures and stuff like that ... maybe you just can not see them, can not feel them! --


yes, it is possible, but its unlikely to be a reality... our reality, probably it was in the past probably t will happen in the ages to come... but today?? no man, i dont buy those stories about abduction and that kind of crap


I hadn't thought of a reference to the abduction-topic as I posted that above ... you don't need to be abducted, the creatures (or whatever you call it) are just there! And there's another thing that came to my mind:


Imagine our world, our three dimensional space, has holes in it ... many, many holes. But as the holes contain space of another dimension (which is higher than ours) and the light and everything just passes around the hole (because it can not enter the other dimension) you cannot see those holes! But as they contain space of a higher dimension the beings who live in higher dimensions can see us, can see our dimension, can go around outside, can exist in those holes, can watch us! And we would never notice. And as the other dimension is higher they can also manipulate our dimension, because it's lower. An example can be this: watch ants crawling on a two-dimensional space (for example your table) ... you can kill the ants by crushing them with your fist - you can influence their life using a higher dimension, because the fist comes from above and that's the third dimension - one more than the two the ants are using to crawl! Of course you could also abduct them (and the higher-dimension beings could abduct us), but I'm not a big fan of abduction theories...

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Guest thomasz

to quote Psysex on this matter: "....the mind is elaborate ladies and gentlemen........."( Puzzle ) no need to be not open minded and no need to not use your common sense..........let your own spirit be your king and guide.........that's how you'll reach the light.........

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