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Tickets for Apsara 2023 are for sale since yesterday.  I'll probably buy mine the coming days.
Dimension 5 has been announced already and it's one of the projects I'm eager to catch.


Is there any provision for the people that donated their tickets afrer 2020's cancellation? I donated 2 and I'm pretty sure @Stafaan (member of this board) also donated his. 
It has been stated on FB that a discount wasn't possible but I guess some other token of apreciation could be offered.
~90 eur (I think that's around how much the ticket cost in 2020) isn't a huge amount but it's not insignificant either.

Anyway, that's my question.

As for the fest: I have a traumatic experience at that location from 2014 SUN fest, when it was raining heavily for a big part of the fest and I had problems with my car because of the mud. I hope the weather is better this time.
The location is convenient and it has hosted much bigger fests in the past so I'm confident the organisation of the fest will be straightforward and without problems. 

I'll fly to Budapest a few days before the fest and do some touristy stuff (like I usually do with fest). Ryanair has cheap plane tickets from many Euro destinations.


  • Like 1

Yes, I donated my ticket. I haven't herd anything about it, so I don't know. Oh, that thunderstorm. I remember it. I also hope we will have better weather this year. =))

Steptime/Spindrift, Dreamweaver, Celestial Intelligence, Texas Faggott, MFG, Dimension 5, Hypnoxock, Battle of the Future Buddhas, Mindfield and Journey Into Sound.

That's the line up so far. I've already got my ticket and really looking forward to the festival. Last time in 2018 was great and the line up for the cancelled one in 2020 was great. I belive this edition will be the same. =))

Travel plans I have to do a bit later. I just took a week of in march too go snowmobiling in the mountains here in Sweden. =)) So the festival I do after that, and I'm a little bit tempted to go to Surya Spirits Festival in may. Maybe that's doable. But Apsara yes, I don't want to miss that.




Hello guys!

The ticket thing, well... We explained in 2020 we would be grateful if people would donate and make the depth less (we ended with "only" 16000 depth) because of it. Unfortunately, since then, we are a totally new organisation. Some left the goa scene, some had kids and only me and Chris are still on board. So its not the same guys, a different country... So on paper its 2 different things and in reality, it would not be fair to let the new guys "pay" for the depths of the past. So we started from scratch...

As for the location, we will make all as good as possible. I dont think anyone ever thought of a Suntrip event as non professional, and we want to keep it like that hehe 😛
Of course we cant control the weather but 2014 was rare, I have been 2 times on a festival there and for an occasional shower it was always great :) 

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

So now I've started to make travel plans. I'll be in Budapest late Tuesday, 9 pm, and take the bus without transfers to Bercel 6:30 am. If I can make it, I don't like early mornings, lol.

Great line up. Some acts that I haven't experienced before. Like Cosmosis, Roy Sasson, Virtuart, Chi-A.D. and Subcouds. This is going to be awesome. =))

Full line up.

Techno rave floor.


Andromeda (Classic Goa Trax) – POL
Antidot & DICA (Dox’Art & Mikrokosm Records) – FRA
Artifact303 (Suntrip Records) – ROM
Battle of the Future Buddhas (Suntrip Records) – SWE
Celestial Intelligence (Suntrip Records) – MAC
Chi-A.D. – UK
Cosmoon/Twisted Travellers (Boom! Records/Flying Rhino) – NL
Cosmosis (Transient/Holophonic) – UK
Dimension 5 (Suntrip Records) – UK
Dreamweaver (Tsunami/Classic Goa Trax) – SWE
Ethereal (Tranceform Records) – SWE
Filteria (Suntrip Records) – SWE
Fripic Bounce (Schlabbaduerst) – SWE
Human Blue (Spiral Trax) – SWE
Hunab Ku (Blue Moon Productions) – UK
Hypnoxock (Suntrip Records) – SPA
JIS (Timewarp Records) – HUN
Ka-Sol (Suntrip/Schlabbaduerst) – SWE
KOB (Suntrip Records) – SWE
MFG (Phonokol Records) – ISR
Mindfield (Phantasm Records) – UK
Mindsphere (Suntrip Records) – TUR
Morphic Resonance (Suntrip Records) – SPA
Nervasystem (Matsuri Productions) – UK
Nick Taylor (Matsuri/Psy Harmonics) – AUS
Prana (Matsuri Productions) – JAP/AUS
Ra (Suntrip Records) – NOR
Roy Sason (Zion604) – ISR
Sienis (Gi’iwa Records) – SWE
Skarma (Suntrip Records) – HUN
Steptime/Spindrift (Stoneage Records) – SWE
Subcouds (Psychic Deli) – SWE
SUN Project (Classic Goa Trax) – GER
Texas Faggott (Psy Harmonics/Exogenic) – FIN
Triquetra (Suntrip Records) – BEL
Underhead (Classic Goa Trax) – FRA
Virtuart (Classic Goa Trax) – FRA
Xenomorph (Gnostic Records) – GER


Ain- Soph (Trance Bum Prod.) – BEL
Anoebis (Suntrip Records) – BEL
Benho vs Psymon (Lunar604, Zion 604) – HUN
D-Dave (Schlabbaduerst RekKords) – SWE
DaPeace (Suntrip Records) – SER
Dark El Kante (Random Records) – SPA
Goaacen (Suntrip Records) – POR
Hase (Transylvaliens) – ROM
Joost & Aziz (Goa Trance Music) – BEL
K9@4 (Suntrip Records) – ISR
Metaverse (Suntrip Records) – HUN
Pavane (Suntrip Records) – BEL
Payba (Suntrip Records) – BEL
Solitare (DAT Recorda) – CAN
Stev0 (Suntrip Records) – CRO
Sunborn (Independent) – GRE
Tobias Bassline (Suntrip Records) – GER
Tsuyoshi Suzuki (Matsuri Productions) – JAP

Relaxing area.


1000arc (HUN)
Alpha Hypnotica (SVK)
Brian Grassfield (HUN)
Callithrix (HUN)
Dharma Beatz (HUN)
Dynamic Illusion (HUN)
Hypnoxock (SPA)
Mindsphere (TUR)
N.Sof (ISR)
Nuage Vivant (FRA)
Ra (NOR)
Sounds of Snow (NL)
Tin Garden Covert (BEL)
Vibrasphere (SWE)
Wavespell (FRA)


Anoebis (BEL)
Bimbiri (HUN)
Cabra (HUN)
Comsat & Petar (HUN)
Czellux (HUN)
D.E.K. (SPA)
Dréa Yang (ROM)
Eden (ISR)
Fotel (HUN)
Goasis (DK)
Ikoza (HUN)
Kay-D (HUN)
Longchat (FRA)
Miska (HUN)
Ommsound (GER/TUR)
Sabiance (HUN)
Sadz (HUN)
Shahar (ISR)
Sun Link (SWI)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Wow, what an amazing festival. Many great hours spent on the dance floor. =)) Is five days too short for a festival?

Most artists play very good, I think. Highlights for me was Nick Taylor, Virtuart and Solitare. But then there was Chi A.D, Prana, Cosmosis, K9@4, Mindfield, Triquetra... So much good music. =))

I took a few videos, not many as usual.




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