Guest Le Lotus Bleu Posted July 31, 2004 Posted July 31, 2004 Twisted System – The Dealers (Timecode) 1. Jawz Of Wizdom 144 bpm 2. Secret Syntheses remix 143 3. Crystal Virus 144 4. Twisted Syster remix 144 5. Artificial Intelligence 145 6. Die Nagmerrrie 146 7. Doomsday 147 8. Disrespekt 149 9. The Eye 143 Twisted System (C. Hoy aka Shift + I. Summs aka Phyx + C. Hudson aka Rabdom ) 1. A typical Timecode sounding opens the cd with leads half squeaking, half scaring but not my favorite (too flat i would say). 2. The tune opens on a falling in succession lead exactly like dominos upto 1’30. Then time is for more usual Timecode’s tones, i mean at the same time pachydermic & squeaking-grinding remaining all along. After 3’10, you penetrates through the break into a more apocalyptic atmosphere. Some industrial backgroundisk rythmic appears at 5’10 & little by little the track gets more intense & shrill upto the end. 3. There’s a weird lead after 2’00 which sounds like a child groaning except this the rest is globally composed oh harsh tones with especially a special electric drill lead for example. 4. Sharp sounds jumps all over here , maybe we are entering the inside of a metal can of mexican jumper peas unless unless it would be a saucepan to cook popcorn. Must be the second idea as you can hear the first one blowing up at 3’05. Then litlle by little (mainly between 5’00 to 7’00) you know all perfectly what happens, all the pop corn are hitting all over & even are trying to push over the lid to find out the furnace. 5. This one makes me think about Xenormorph’s stuffs, so for those who don’t know this artist, let just say that’s a concentrate of dark tones & apocalyptic feelings with haunting leads. 6. Some more colourful tones here which are combined with a psychotic ambience & a strongly opressing –emotionnal lead (break after 3’30). The rest is quite electric or squeaking fullonish oriented. 7. Here it is another gloomy production with a rain of acid-shrill tone which will contrast a bit at 2’40 with a medium lead. The thing not already calm at begining evolves towards more crazyness & nervosity with electric riffs. 8. Now time is for the smashiest tune of the album & btw the fastest too, no time for long reflexion here & just let you follow the beat. 9. The Eye is by far my favorite tune of the album, the intro is quite estonishingly floating (this lead will appear again at the break of 6’00), the elements of the rythmic are also different from the other ones with kinda imitation scractches sounds at first. Come back also to some huge pachydermic lead & bassline , & the combo snare/hithat is nicely lashing, with highly metallic hithat close to saturation. I would say the Twister System’s sound would better fit to night full on with strong pachydermic & psychedelic flavour adepts, for the others i think it’s listenable too but can reveals more repetitive & difficult to catch. Highlight :9 8/10 Quote
dnab Posted August 22, 2004 Posted August 22, 2004 I gotta say that the new TF is pretty crappy compared to older ones.. Rather buy mandalavandalz. Quote
Alek Posted September 24, 2004 Posted September 24, 2004 Um... back to topic... a pretty good album, not outstanding but pretty good. Looks like a bit of a dark SA all-stars teams... good . You can definitely feel the styles of each of the 3 guys involved in this, although perhaps Shift has the upperhand... The album has a very... rough feel... some say its lack of production quality, but I see it as their uniqie style. I think this music needs to be experienced live before the full effect is revealed... My picks are 2 and 9. Quote
Guest Rain Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 I've heard this album once... not my style... it's way to fast and hard... but the dark atmospheric melody waves are pretty cool imho... those I actually enjoyed but the bass line pfffff... can't stand that too long sorry Quote
dj mylo Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 Amandla! Skragg/Rabdom is a mate of mine and I'm really chuffed for these guys! They've been working damn hard and they've stayed true to who they are. I think this is the best Timecode release we've seen so far! Nelson digs it too! Quote
Ormion Posted March 10, 2005 Posted March 10, 2005 I just wanna say that it's the 2nd best album of 2004 after Sky Input. All tracks are awesome and especially Disrespekt...OMG!!!!! Quote
Sawfly Posted January 18, 2006 Posted January 18, 2006 This is a pretty solid album. A bit too hard to digest sometimes, but works wonder now and then. Quote
Otto Matta Posted March 14, 2006 Posted March 14, 2006 Meh. The music is decent, but the samples kill it for me. The same could be said for much of this genre. Pre-CV Infected Mushroom is a prime example. Would love to hear some good music that doesn't resort to cheesy Hollywood samples in a futile attempt to achieve interest and depth. It makes so much of this genre sound so goddamn chintzy. Quote
Trance2MoveU Posted May 19, 2013 Posted May 19, 2013 Artist: Twisted System Title: The Dealers Label: Timecode Records Date: June, 2004 1. Jawz of Wizzdom2. Secret Syntheses (rmx)3. Crystal Virus 4. Twisted Syster (rmx)5. Artificial Intelligence6. Die Nag Merrie7. Doomsday8. Dissrespekt9. The Eye Goth kids were different. They wore all black and smoked in the bathroom. There were all sort of manner of piercings and a depression cloud followed them like that blue ink they put in pools so they can identify who was doing the peeing. They never seemed to like everything and to be honest they scared the crap outta me. Didn't they have parents who loved them? I played soccer with a lot of those guys in middle school so what made them take this turn? So yeah they were scary and different, but so was their music. Whitney Houston? Only if she was a cutter. To me this is one of the best psytrance albums of all time. Like the Goths it's not for the masses. At least it wasn't before every "twilight" artist co-opted the South African style with build-ups and stops and starts. Gone were the cotton candy pop nonsense that was force fed us at every turn. Nope, this was an apple with a razor blade in it. Each sound less accessible than the next, erupting with distortion and acid mayhem. Not darkpsy, but nowhere close to Vibe Tribe either. It was like looking over the Berlin Wall and wondering what the f*ck was going on over here? It's intense and melodic, but it challenged the scene to go beyond the easy play and dig deeper. I consider this a springboard and an important moment in psytrance. Almost 10 years later this still sounds as vibrant as it did when it came out. Without Twisted System, there would be no Tickets , Tryon , Ex-Gen , Multi state , Alienn... These new artists have taken what TS began with and ran with it. It blew the door off what you were listening to and made Timecode a house hold name. Well, at least with us. If you like South African psytrance with its dark melodies and thumping beats topped off with sounds you won't find on a Sesto Sento album I highly recommend this. Psyshop Beatspace Goastore Mdk Quote
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