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Guest druid


i look forward for a fx processor for my production, and i was wondering wich ones were more appropriate for psy. u know something with good delays sync' to bpm, with bunch of stereo effects, and some knobs to control the effects.


How much do you want to pay!


Do you want one fx processor with everything "multieffect" or do you want differnet ones for differnet things!

Guest druid

i'm looking for second hand gear, and i think i will spend about 300$ max for one unit. I've thought about my ideal setup would be : 1 stereo compressor for drums, one delay or echo unit, plus a multieffect for weird sounds..

or do u know some multi effects with many channels, that i can plug in several inserts?

Guest schism

they don't exist, especially in that price range. most fx units are only 2 inputs, more higher end are 4 inputs. for around $400 used avg you could buy an ensoniq dp/4 that has 4 ins and 4 outs or you could get an m1/d2 which can be configured as one stereo in or two seperate mono ins...then just throw them on your aux/sends and spread them across your tracks.


my fav fx are eventide...but they are expensive. if the above doesn't satisfy you then you maybe want to stick with plug-ins...buy an 8 ch pc soundcard and bam you have 8 inputs of real-time fx at once, cheap ($375 for a used layla 20 in the states plus free warez).




i think he means... he wants one of each, at least i hope so for 300 u aren't going to get much, but for a multi effects proccessor check out a sony dps v55 they go for like 250-300...they're really nice 4 channel... :)...we had one at the studio i go to school in i loved it to death. also for reverbs check out the roland srv3030, it's on sale now:)...not very intuitive i hear tho!...i'm not relaly on the know how of compressors, usually i just up the midrange on the kick and take out some bass...raise the gain...and i'll have a really nice kick=). check out an alesis quadraverb, littered with posford sounds! heheh^_^...for delays there's the d2 which is really nice, but that's like $400...a bit outta yer range=

Guest Andreas Chatzakis

For delays and reverbs i have a Yamaha REV100. It has a very clean sound.

For strange lo-fi fx i use the Zoom 1201 fx unit which is very cheap and can provide some wicked sounds.

As for the compressor the best budget compressor must be the FMR Audio - Really Nice Compressor.

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