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about the current poll

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i asked Children to post that poll because i'm still on this pharaonic psynews v2 website project and there are several things i must be sure of before programming them. just think the search engine only is above 15KBs of php code (without html) and you'll understand i don't wanna do useless coding.


by "don't forget to think about the pros & cons before answering", Children meant "ok, right now we only post a release when we have one significant review from it, but if we change it and only post tracklistings, we'll be more up-to-date, but also more demanding on the first review (and probably the next ones too), thus your review may be erased if it is crap" (right now there are >300 KBs of crap reviews on this site...).


in case we would adopt the post'n'moderate method, it would take some time to implement, and we wouldn't do that for pleasure (it's more work to check reviews), but for quality concerns : everyone must understand that posting a review is not a way for one to satisfy him(her)self on the fact that he (she) has bought one cd he(she) thinks good. On the contrary, it is *definitely* a way for one anonymous person to choose the next cd to buy at his (her) favourite psychoshop, having regard to his(her) tastes.


i guess 99% of you, readers of this forum are intelligent enough to make decent reviews, but i wanted to set things clear.








ps: my DNS entry was shut down once again today for administrative purposes, then my ADSL IP address changed, and eventually i accidentally changed this forums pages to chmod 700 * (anyone can't read the files).....so now you understand the forums were either unreachable, or not readable last evening (cet) and that's why i'm still up at 2:55am !


Make reviewers register for an account, and if someone registers and post @!#$, deleting his account, will result in removal of all his reviews..


I like the idea of posting the albums, tracklists - and then waiting for reviews. Many would review an album if it was already on the site, but to send the review to Children with all that is involved may be a bit much for some...

Guest Phaedrus

I also like the idea of posting the new albums as soon as they come in. Some of us (esp. in the states) dont have a good way of knowing when new albums come out if they dont appear on this, or a few other good resources.


If I saw a new album that was not yet reviewed, I might obtain a preview of it and review it, and buy it if I liked it.


why must the reviews be moderated? If you add an Album to the "goa reviews" section without a review, why should the extra moderation be required?


consider the alternative: not haveing to moderate and still post CD releases.


However adding the Unreviewed album to the "Goa Reviews" page would not be prudent.

Therefore it may be wise to put releases in one page and reviews in another. The consolidate that album once it has been reviewed.

this may add some time to your coding though. :)


I think we should add the records as soon as they get out,

and maybe also put old (not rewieved) releases in the rewiev section!


I think it would make this site much more complete and just think

about the search function... *smiling*


the one bad thing about this site is the shitty off-topic reviews and flame fests... find a way to NOT moderate [no one wants that] yet still rid the viewers of that crap and it'll be a lot better.

Guest bugbread

I think registration for review only purposes would be a good idea. It doesn't eliminate anonymity, per se (after all, if you just require a valid e-mail address, and no name, address, or anything else, it's not so much of an issue). Besides which, there wouldn't be a need for registration for the forums, which is where people really want to be anonymous either...


After all, what kind of info are people posting in album reviews that needs to be anonymous anyway? Reviews aren't the place to post "This sounds so good when you're high!", they're a place to post...reviews!


As for the slashdot method: yes, that is easily the best solution, but it's incredibly difficult to implement. Unless you have some free, easy to use scripts that do it all? If not, I doubt mars and children (who do this for free) would have the time and energy to build that kind of infrastructure.


i'd like to have that dieznyik, but a computer isnt intelligent enough to decide


well anyway, whatever the choice is, there will be too many crap reviews, so we'll have to find some guy (i know who) who will check new reviews every day. i'm really sorry but we have to.


the problem isnt there.


currently, the first review is always acceptable because there is a guy who writes it on purpose, and copies the tracklisting and everything, and sends it to children. this is some work. then there are reviews added by our visitors. so even if one guy reads the very first review, this is useful to him.


if we choose -not- to include a first review with a release, the average quality of the reviews will not change, but there are big chances the average quality of the first review will drop dramatically !!


so here is our dilemma. but by moderation i don't mean removing every non-detailed review. i think there are 3/4 types of reviews :

- detailed ones

- informational ones (eg : there is a better remix of this track on that release")

- short ones (yeah this album/compil/ep is good/bad )

- crap ones


we only want to delete the last category but we'd also like to see a detailed review in the first place. and that only relies on you.


the poll gave 52% to the 'without first review' solution...this is too average to take a decision, i emailed children to know what he wants to do.


with registration

- if we let people enter their login/pass for every review they wanna add, there will be far less reviews

- if we add some cookies to auto-login users, we are facing the same problem as before.


registration is a good thing, yes. but it is useless for such a frequented section as reviews.

Guest bugbread

Ok, now I'm gonna have to ask a completely dumb-ass question which is so embarassing I've avoided asking it for months in the hope that one day I'd stumble across the answer: Where IS the poll? I can find poll results, but no poll. In fact, I've NEVER seen a poll page. Is it on the news page?

Guest Slidingtrancer

I think the reviewsection is fine as it is. Anonymous assholes will post anyway !

A review/loginsystem wouldn't work as mentioned above...


I just think the site is good as it is, it just needs a new design, when will it be done?

Guest bugbread

Hmm...How about just increasing the number of moderators? I'd definitely be willing to moderate.

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