Guest AP Posted October 15, 2001 Posted October 15, 2001 What stuff you feel is absoulutely necessary to have in your studio, to create some professional sound, not the home made style. What kind of cpu, sound board, mixers, amps, synths, basicaly software and hardware? Quote
Guest alex Posted October 15, 2001 Posted October 15, 2001 The computer, soundcard it most important...... If you have enough cpu power and RAM there, you don't even need outboard equipment..... If you can get gigasampler + cubase and maybe some other VST plugins running well with a good pro sound card/interface, just buy a synth like the Virus and you should be able to make some pretty full on chewns, and some decent monitor speakers! This is probably the cheapest way to get pro sounds.... cuz if you can't do it all on your computer, you have to buy a mixing board, FX, sampler, and all that other expensive stuff! Quote
Guest Elysium Project Posted October 15, 2001 Posted October 15, 2001 I do not agree with you alex.... The computer is not the most important can make damn good music on a atari running cubase version 3.0 The most important thing is not to compromise on the quality of the mixing desk and the monitors..... without a good sound quality your production will sound like crap. I suggest that you buy medium priced mixer (Mackie or Soundcraft - 16 track) and monitors (Genelec - Do not buy some cheap crap just to save some money. Buy less equipment at the beginning and learn how to use it to the max..... The you can start to buy more synths and modules ect.. Quote
Guest Elysium Project Posted October 15, 2001 Posted October 15, 2001 I know a lot of you people think that a computer is enough to come up with a professional sound but just take a look at the professional studio's...they all still use quality mixing desks and monitors..... with a good reason...... you will not be able to produce the same fat and rich sound alone in your computer... Digital is ok but the reason why Kox Box, Etnica, Juno Reactor, Elysium Project :-) ect. have that very good sound quality is because they still use analog mixing desks and good monitors... Quote
Guest alex Posted October 15, 2001 Posted October 15, 2001 Elysium you need to read his original question: >What stuff you feel is absoulutely necessary to have in your studio, to create >some professional sound, not the home made style. Analog kicks ass but you can make good music with anything if you can sample things and put them back together, and this guy may not be as interested in nice warm analog stereotypical overused synth sounds like you hehe..... and the CHEAPEST way to be able to get the farthest into production techniques and get pro results IS to max out your computer, and get pirated software, instead spending your retirement fund buying studio gear a piece at a time .... I agree with you about the advantages of an analog board/etc... i run a Mackie 24*4 with Event ps6 monitors and i wouldn't have it any other way, but for 6 years previous to that i've been tweeking sounds on my computer and learning all about audio... Quote
Guest OA Posted October 15, 2001 Posted October 15, 2001 I just bought a digital mixer and hardley even use the thing. Even tho I have moore equip than ever. I mix entirely on my computer. And all my equipment is plugged directly into my computer. I think the comp and soundcard is more important than a good mixer. Quote
Guest Elysium Project Posted October 15, 2001 Posted October 15, 2001 You missed my point here..... yes you need a computer and yes audio is very cool..... But without a good solid sound quality forget it....... I do not believe that the digital sound is that convincing.... it is merely ok......The reason why "psy-trance" has such a hard time convincing the distribution netsworks to buy the music is exactly because there is too much "home produced" music floating around....done in a easy way on a computer.......that is cool with me...but it should stay in the home of the person making might find my opinion hard but I beleive that we can't all be painters, doctors and musicians and dj´s ect..... if people are serious about their music and want it to be released they have a obligation to release quality instead of quantity...... After all people use their money to buy it.... Quote
Guest Slidingtrancer Posted October 16, 2001 Posted October 16, 2001 I think you can make kickass quality songs on the computer and you really don't need a mixer for it. It just takes patience, understanding and love. When you have the talent you will make it sound great without any doubt... I heard alot of songs produced by kiddo's sponsored by the parents with all kinds of equipment and when you compare their music to the 'home-produced' stuff, it isn't that great!!! I think you should first learn to make music and then start to buy stuff to do a live act. I really think you can do alot on quality using the computer, with audiocards getting more accurate in sound and programs getting better and more stable. I DO think you need a set of good speakers and some headphones Quote
Guest AP Posted October 16, 2001 Posted October 16, 2001 Until now I have been using my cpu with Fruitty Loops 3 and a lot of samples, Im going to start using logic soon. I have a mix table Gemini, as well as an Gemini amp and a dual cd player. I also have a 400 watts speakers, but I want to know if analog equipment is really required, to create great sounds. I ave a friend that creates all his sounds in fruitty loops 3, acid and soundforge, and he is doing a cool sound, even signed a contract with Magma records recently. But I still feel, sometimes, that his sound lacks some professional touch, inspite of his rising popularity among the trance scene. Quote
Guest OA Posted October 16, 2001 Posted October 16, 2001 EA "I do not believe that the digital sound is that convincing" What do you mean? Most equipment out there is digital. Most 'analog' synths are actual virtual analog. Digital synths simulating analog sounds. And what about used sample cd's of analog sounds? You cant do that on your computer? Ive gotten my best sounds after a lot of Computer processing. are you thinking everyone making music on a pc is using Frutyloops or rebirth? So where does the "good solid sound quality " come from for you. Software has advanced alot in the past years and you really CAN make professional music soley on your pc. Quote
Guest Elysium Project Posted October 16, 2001 Posted October 16, 2001 To OA..... I was speaking about music produced on a computer using only sofsynths, plugins and composed by programming notes....Not digital samplers ect... To me the sound is too sterile and clean...but that is my opinion........ By the way...I would never use a sample of a anlog synth from a sample CD... Quote
Guest mkay11...... Posted October 16, 2001 Posted October 16, 2001 i was first playing around with progs. and downloaded nord .wavs and other synth .wavs...... now that i have bought a nord lead 2 i would never go back sounds better and more complete in you get to tweak it to "your" individual sound not someone elses.... the tracks will solely become yours... 8D..... Quote
Guest Rikard Posted October 17, 2001 Posted October 17, 2001 The most important factor why its better with outboard gear is that it is fun. I have been making music with alot of diffrent software, and u can really get good sound from a computer if u try. BUT its 1000 times more fun to tweak real synthesizers, and if u have fun while composing the sound will be better. Also, i dont think that the software synths are quite as good as hardware yet.. in a few years maybe, but now hardware has much better synthesis algoritms, sounds better. Quote
Guest etherdesign Posted October 17, 2001 Posted October 17, 2001 I will agree with Rikard and Elysium with two exceptions.. 1. TC Works Mercury-1 (modelled SH-101) This thing sounds good as any hardware because it calculates the waveforms realtime, it doesn't use sampled waveforms for oscillators like pretty much all other softsynths.. 2. GRM Tools. You'd need to have some pretty pricy gear to get effects like this. There are good parts to both worlds. Quote
Guest Slidingtrancer Posted October 17, 2001 Posted October 17, 2001 TC Works Mercury, how do you get that? Quote
Guest CrusadeR Posted October 17, 2001 Posted October 17, 2001 Hm.. I don't know what to say.. i see u're all much more experienced than me.. But i hope u won't mind me saying my own experiences. I think that in the sea of all sorts of software, only few satisfie HiQ production, and quality.. Reaktor is one of them, Reason is if u look at it from some proffesional point of view is good but only as a rhytam machine + lots of kicks are crap.. so why even buy it.. I agree with Elysium about real gear.. it's better in every possible way.. I personnaly wanna do some Etno/World/Ambient music.. som' like Shpongle but not so psychedelic and wicked.. don't get me wrong.. the music i listen for over 5 years is psytrance, and i still love it the moust.. but when it come to producing.. slow nice melodic morning ambient is what i like, with as many live instruments as possible.. Curently i'm learning to use Cubase.. anyway.. my point is.. or a question.. I think that with a good sound card like.. Echo Gina 24/96 that can be bought for less then 500$.. You have fully professional productionaly clean output.. and only than u can see how bad or good your software is.. Then I need a good microphone, who could record in hi quality all those live insteuments.. does anyone know some good microphone for that ?.. Basicly for recording all sorts of ethnic insteuments like, flutes, guitars, conga's, etc.. and voice of cours.. and the price of the microphone.... And yes.. since Elysium u're duing loads of ambient stuff.. can u recoomend some synths for ambient ?... Or gear .. or whatever.. Quote
Guest CrusadeR Posted October 17, 2001 Posted October 17, 2001 Hm.. I don't know what to say.. i see u're all much more experienced than me.. But i hope u won't mind me saying my own experiences. I think that in the sea of all sorts of software, only few satisfie HiQ production, and quality.. Reaktor is one of them, Reason is if u look at it from some proffesional point of view is good but only as a rhytam machine + lots of kicks are crap.. so why even buy it.. I agree with Elysium about real gear.. it's better in every possible way.. I personnaly wanna do some Etno/World/Ambient music.. som' like Shpongle but not so psychedelic and wicked.. don't get me wrong.. the music i listen for over 5 years is psytrance, and i still love it the moust.. but when it come to producing.. slow nice melodic morning ambient is what i like, with as many live instruments as possible.. Curently i'm learning to use Cubase.. anyway.. my point is.. or a question.. I think that with a good sound card like.. Echo Gina 24/96 that can be bought for less then 500$.. You have fully professional productionaly clean output.. and only than u can see how bad or good your software is.. Then I need a good microphone, who could record in hi quality all those live insteuments.. does anyone know some good microphone for that ?.. Basicly for recording all sorts of ethnic insteuments like, flutes, guitars, conga's, etc.. and voice of cours.. and the price of the microphone.... And yes.. since Elysium u're duing loads of ambient stuff.. can u recoomend some synths for ambient ?... Or gear .. or whatever.. Quote
Guest CrusadeR Posted October 17, 2001 Posted October 17, 2001 Hm.. I don't know what to say.. i see u're all much more experienced than me.. But i hope u won't mind me saying my own experiences. I think that in the sea of all sorts of software, only few satisfie HiQ production, and quality.. Reaktor is one of them, Reason is if u look at it from some proffesional point of view is good but only as a rhytam machine + lots of kicks are crap.. so why even buy it.. I agree with Elysium about real gear.. it's better in every possible way.. I personnaly wanna do some Etno/World/Ambient music.. som' like Shpongle but not so psychedelic and wicked.. don't get me wrong.. the music i listen for over 5 years is psytrance, and i still love it the moust.. but when it come to producing.. slow nice melodic morning ambient is what i like, with as many live instruments as possible.. Curently i'm learning to use Cubase.. anyway.. my point is.. or a question.. I think that with a good sound card like.. Echo Gina 24/96 that can be bought for less then 500$.. You have fully professional productionaly clean output.. and only than u can see how bad or good your software is.. Then I need a good microphone, who could record in hi quality all those live insteuments.. does anyone know some good microphone for that ?.. Basicly for recording all sorts of ethnic insteuments like, flutes, guitars, conga's, etc.. and voice of cours.. and the price of the microphone.... And yes.. since Elysium u're duing loads of ambient stuff.. can u recoomend some synths for ambient ?... Or gear .. or whatever.. Quote
Guest CrusadeR Posted October 17, 2001 Posted October 17, 2001 I'm sorry for 3 post's in a row.. not my mistake.. :* Quote
Guest etherdesign Posted October 18, 2001 Posted October 18, 2001 Well, you need different microphones for every purpose, ideally.. you can get by using one good mic, but this isn't ideal and you'll have to do alot of EQ'ing and stuff, and sometimes that can't fix it either.. it depends how much air the instrument displaces and the frequency range of the thing you are recording.. I'd just get a direct box for the guitar and record it directly or a pickup/direct box if it's acoustic.. otherwise you can probably do just one mic for instruments and one for drums as I'm sure alot of people do.. The Shure SM-58 is pretty much industry standard vocal mic, pretty cheap.. AKG and R0de mics for other purposes, a decent condenser mic for instruments will run you at least $400, up to over $2000, yow.. Anyways, check here for some good articles on recording, mixing, mastering, hell pretty much everything.. Quote
Guest Elysium Project Posted October 18, 2001 Posted October 18, 2001 I basically only use 2 synths right now - the Nord Modular, the korg Triton Rack (Full expanded with the Moss) and a wicked softsynth - Absynth........ Most of my atmospheres come from movies (I even have samples from the latest Tomb Raider game on my new CD), tv programs of every kind and whatever cool samples I can dig up.... Quote
Guest CrusadeR Posted October 18, 2001 Posted October 18, 2001 Thanks for all the answers.. so for about 1500$ I can have Gina, 2 good microphones.. and few instruments.. .. just where do i get 1.5k $ Quote
Guest AP Posted October 18, 2001 Posted October 18, 2001 Do you recomend any place to buy all this stuff? Internet or some stores? By the way, Im in England, southern part. Quote
Guest Monoyde9 Posted October 19, 2001 Posted October 19, 2001 IN order to make high quality music, all u really need is a computer. I find that as many of you have said, that fruityloops and bundled wavs alone are kinda overdone and redundant (hehe), but that Using tweaking, even a program like fruityloops can get you any sound you want. I've been able to create Leads and basss from basses and leads, all you need is creativity and lots of experiementing. Also, Sound tweakin' progs like Soundforge and Goldwave are incredibly useful, as u can add specific effects in the order you want more quickly. PEace Quote
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