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WW3. Cubase VS Logic.


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I been using a lot fruityloops, and now i would like to start learning cubase or logic.. but i dont know much about them.. I dont have any midi, so does cubase or logic have some kind of "virtual synths" like fruity has ts-404?? can i link it with some other programs?? And which one would you recommend Cubase or Logic?? you think i should try some other program before jumping from fruity to them?? upsides and downsides of the 2 programs? ..thanks:)!

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I think logic has the general consensus especially for making psytrance. However I recently made the transition from fruity to buzz (www.buzzmachines.com) it's freeware and very versatile and has heaps of instruments you can tweak and mess around with. It's not quite so intuative as the fruity interface and I can't quite get the midi sorted, but the sounds it makes knocks the spots off fruity and the demo songs seem to indicate that a lot of psy type sounds are possible in it... well worth a sniff IMO.

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i am in the same position as you, that is that i have no midi....yet : )

i don´t know how it works in fruityloop but you can´t "play" the syth there, just make loop pattern. but if otherwise please tell me how to do it in fruityloop.

I am using reaktor, where you can use the keyboard to your computer as a real keyboard. if you get the demo you can play and export what you have played to wav file but the sound will be muted like 2 sec every 20 sec. so you can´t record long plays : ( instead try to download a earlier verson like 2.4 on morpheus.

hope it helps!



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