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Guest Andreas of Amygdala

First of all, I agree that hardware is GENERALLY better than soft. in terms of production, it all comes down to one thing: filling out the entire spectrum of frequencies (without flooding the mix...) - the old analog synths do this best, then come the new "virtual analog", wavetable, and whatever digital synths, and in the end, softsynths. Not to worry though, I think, that no matter how cool your synth is, the final track will reek of it, if you only use that particular soundsource. Each synth, soft or hard has it's own characteristics, and if you blend these together, the soundscapes fills out, and everything's sugar :)


Hard or soft, be careful not to limit your sounds to ONE source, as this get's very boring for the ears... I mean, if you have two equivalent synths, one soft one hard - don't feel bad about using the soft, when the hard can do the job - although the sound may be thinner, or not as "dope" as the other (for the subtle listening) - use it man! The characteristics of the different synths will be more charming than the cool'ness of the one.


That's what I think - what do you think of that?


Cheers and squirks :)


i think VA does tracks better, because it's easier to fill the mix up with frequencies. analog you can get a lot of unwanted frequencies, iot's easier to pin point with VA...also RA(real analog) is often tooo fat to throw in a mix. RA is great for simple music, but when music gets complex VA is really the best. I've had a whole slew of synths VA and RA, and i'd always have to say VA is best for goa... i think that's waht goa/psy is all about, manipulation of VA to extremes. :) it's all very good....hjmmm

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