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hey all

i need some advice on a software setup.

i've been checking out programs like reason, reaktor, rebirth and fruityloops (any others i should look at?).

from what i've gathered so far it sounds like the best way to go is with reason, and add to it with recycle, and maybe later on with the halion sampler and some software synths like waldorf attack.

i already have cubase v4 running on a mac g3 so i believe it's no problem to hook em all up together with rewire.

first thing is, could my computer handle all that software?

secondly, does that setup sound any good or should i be looking at something else?

last question, i know it's probably better to buy hardware but i thought this might be a reasonably cheap way of getting started. what do you think?

any help is much appreciated.



Guest CrusadeR

I'm for Cubase + Reaktor and some other VST synths..


if u're MAC user.. then Cubase + Reaktor + Absynth...

Guest Johan [Hokuz Pokuz]

well, first of all you need cubase 5 to use rewire.... (for PC, i'm not sure with mac)

and, you need a really speedy computer to run cubase, reason, reaktor and for example halion.. A G3 would probably do it if you have a good soundcard.. i don't know the relative clockfrequence on a G3, but I've tried to run reason riwired to qubase with a P2 333mhz and a average soundcard... It worked, but not too well..

Guest Eshanti Brahman

Hello Bjm!


Reason is a good program but it is basically a secluded studio so it is not very compatible and you cant use for instance Halion or Waldorf Attack alone.....then you have to route reason through Cubase,Logic etc. I bought Reason couple of months ago,it gives me much fun but in order to become more flexible I have spent my first month with Cubase and I am getting to really appreciate it (what is there not to appreciate?). So far I am just using VST-instruments like the Pro-52,Waldorf Attack etc and a bit Reason. I am looking forward to take more advantage of the Audiopart and I MUST learn the basics of Reaktor which is a great synthmodulator but I dont understand a @!#$ of it at the moment :-(


Anyway, if your on the entry level,Reason is well suited for you but bear in mind that in order to produce professionaly,you should get the capasity of Cubase/Cakewalk/Logic. Good luck from *A newbie not a long time ago*

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