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Guest easyrider



i want to start making psy-trance music, anyone can help me about some basic equipment to use. I've got a roland d2 but... too much simple i think.



Guest etherdesign

IMO.. to begin with.. get one good synth.. Nord Lead 1, 2, 3.. Waldorf Q (any one, but you would probably want the overprices KB if you don't have another KB), or Access Virus.. or something used perhaps.. like a Korg Z1 or Prophecy.. anyways.. one nice synth, some good monitors (active bi-amped, personally I love my Event 20/20bas, they sound great and are reasonably prices, plus you can buy replacement woofers or tweeters from them in case you blow yours, at a good price, which I don't see alot of companies that make monitors doing.. good luck tho, I've had mine pretty loud and never blew them, anyways, monitoring at a very high volume is not good anyways), and a good pro sound card.. lots of choices there.. anyways.. those are the three musts for starting imo.. you can lay down all your drums and samples with software samplers and drum machines which are IMO excellent quality and easy to use.. but hardware synths definately sound better that software ones (well, the should)


my personal suggestions... for a nice start and a good value..


Waldorf Micro Q kb

Event 20/20bas Monitors

Event Mia or Gina 24.. M-Audio Audiophile, Delta 44 or 66..


and after all that, a good mixer when you need more inputs and good eq..

Guest Slidingtrancer

How much is everything


I guess the Waldorf Q KB is around 2000$ at least


the monitors????


Audiophile is somewhere in the 300's ?

Guest etherdesign

Micro Q kb is $1100

Event 20/20bas are $700 a pair

Audiophile/Mia about $200..

Guest CrusadeR

I agree.. but IMHO, a good sound card is much more important for a start studio, then i synth, and good monitors..

as for sound card.. i would say Echo Gina 24/96 - 500$

and as for monitors, ... Genelec, Event..

don't really know about the monitors part :)


Hi. Easyrider please, contact me... I guess you're Spanish, aren't you ? Me too. :) Let's do an attempt to rise up the psychedelic scene here!

Guest CrusadeR


Way to go Eryon..

Two can allways do more then one :)

good luck :)


Hvala !!! Do the same there... you know... Talpa !!!

Srecno !!! Goodbye !

Guest CrusadeR

:)) we have great psy scene ;)

but there's allways place for improvements :)

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