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Guest jakemyth

Hi all....just a quick question: how many of u use motu's Digital Performer sorfware? Particularly people in OZ but in general how many?



jake-iridium studios.


jakemyth was wondering with all that gear whether you had completed tracks or


Guest jakemyth

Hey MK how r u? Just finished two more last week....i only had a short break so couldn't do to much. How r u goin?


not bad at all finally got time to make my tracks now xmas is over and got something nice cooking along on the weekend.....

yourself, didge and i should hook up...

your gear, didges ms2000, and my nord lead2, jackson electric and boss gt-5 efx

processor would surely make some nice tracks....

Guest jakemyth

Oh Yeah M......i was gonna give D a call tomorrow. Can I have some details to contact u on and we'll hook up! Just give me an e-mail addy or something. Look forward to hearing from u...jakemyth@hotmail.com


Iridium Studios

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