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I've been using Cubase for last couple of years... I don't like it that much, so Im thinking of switching to Logic (if they get support for multiple audio outputs!!).


I never even looked at Nuendo, whats the main differences between Nuendo and Cubase VST32 5.1?

Guest Elysium Project

Nuendo is just a "low budget" vesion of cubase with nothing much differnt!


If I was you I would go for Logic or "the real" Cubase from the beginning....Why not try the good stuff first instead of using time on programs that you sooner or later will throw away?


Cubase is a professional program that takes a bit too much CPU power!


So I would reccomend that you go for Logic. It also have very cool mixing/mastering ,effect and plugin features!


Have fun

Guest Michael



Nuendo is not a "Low-Budget" version of cubase!!


Nuiendo costs twice as much as Cubase and has more features in it


Elysium-- umm.....Cubase uses MUCH LESS cpu power than Logic does.


anything else you got backwards?

Guest Elysium Pject

Michale get you head examined and start over agin...please get it right next time!

Guest Elysium Project

well i was reacting to his staement that Logic use more CPU power than Cubase .....that's just plain wrong!


I know Nuendo cost more...that doesen't mean it's better tahn cubase!


hi there!

i used cubase and i swithced to nuendo.

this program is much better than cubase. many more effects and u can transform much more the sound.

i would recommend this one but the 2 user's manual are like700 pages!!!

good luck

Guest Eshanti Brahman

Currently using Cubase, but Logic seems more user-friendly....


By the way,I thought Nuendo was a powerful audio/visual tool like Protools or something????

Guest caffeine free

Nuendo, Cubase, Cakewalk, Sonar, and Logic all work well as midi sequencers. Its just a matter of preference. One thing to consider though, is that Cakewalk pro audio can't use VSTis or VST effects. (Sonar needs a directx wrapper to use them.)


I would use Nuendo over Cubase because of its 96khz 32bitFloat mixing. Besides that, it is essentially the same program as Cubase. The higher quality recording/mixing makes the most difference if you are recording/mixing digital audio.




who would want to use that F@#$ing cubase mixer?!?!?!?!?!?!





actually michael is right


Nuendo cost 1000$ and cubase costs $500

nuendo has more cool features , i'm sure you know that because you use it



cubase does take a lot more going on before it stops and logic very often says 'system overload'

because cubase has this mysterious way of making things not eat cpu

Guest narwhal

Seems that cakewalk is the big unknown player on the market, allthough that's hard to believe. It is a very stable sequencer, quite easy to learn to use. I never had any trouble with it.

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