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Just wanted to ask:


which r the best frecuencies for the bass, kick, hihats, mid-melodies?


another one if u dont mind....

wich r the dB. limits for bass, sub, kick, highs & mid-melodies?


tnx alot....just dont want to blow any sound system, i do have my own numbers but i get to them by ear and im not shure that those numbers r out of the risk level...for example im experimenting a bass line that gets till 5 db...is it ok or it would be just annoying at the big sound system?




tnx a lot.....

see ya....

Guest etherdesign202

Well.. you can't put anything over 0db on a CD, record, or tape.. otherwise you will get clipping, on a CD it will be awful digital clipping, on a tape it'll be warmer analog but will still sound bad unless done intentionally. You'll need to lower the overall volume of everything else in the mix so it sits under 0db.

Guest Slidingtrancer

I once did some major clipping and made a wonderfull crispy sound behind the bass, so all is relative I guess...

Guest Mike Indidginus

A blanket band pass of 100 mHz should do it. For all instruments.



(I'm just kidding by the way. It's Monday).

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