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Guest parhelion

does anyone use this interface? if so, would you recommend it? ...and could you recommend anything similar for a lower price...$700 digs a little deep in my pocket book :)



Guest suarajana

depends on the gear and software you're using.


the motu cards have many ins and outs- wouldn't recommend paying for 8 i/o if you probably only need 2.



3 years ago i picked up the motu2408mark2

it has 8 stereo ins and outs, sp/dif, word clock, adat optical i/o.....all the ports you can imagine. and right now i'm using One stereo input and one stereo output.heh

(and it kinda crashes logic) BUT! other than that-motu makes a delightful digital audio box!

Guest parhelion

well, I have little gear at the moment, but that will change in time..


I'm interested in this product mainly because it's firewire...in the future I'll purchase a laptop, I'm sure...but maybe I should wait until then :)


thanks for the info!

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