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can anyone please...post the serial to the cubase sx update...pleaseeeee

Guest Elysium Project

This forum is turning into a damn hackers comunity




why there always to be...some stupid guy with stupid opinions..

keep your opinions to yourself if u got nothing to say..

have u ever notice...that internet...cames..to revolutionar this kind of things..

waht´s da big fucken problem...if i want to get cubase...for free

if u have the money to pay for it.....good for you...i don´t..

if u are a professionla musician....good for u...i´m not..

why would i buy the produt...just for entertainemet...and waht do u have to do with it..

i just would like to know...if u buy it to...or if u just like to talk.....just for talking..

u guys kiil me...you must be on pedestal..u are all saint´s on earth..

or are u receiving some kind of comission...from steinberg or something..



WELLll i think i´ve said it all...and i keep asking...if someone knows...where i can finD CUBASE SX ......FORRR FREEEEE

Guest eXpulse

i actually talked to some people and SX is out , but it's not cracked yet

but apperently it will be soon:) so just use 5.1 for now


and 3pi is right , if he is just playing around with cubase , why would he want to go and spend like 500us$ on a programm and another 1500-2000 on plugins....

Guest blink

give 3pi a break. damn hackers community? are you telling me everything on your puter is paid for? yeah, and @!#$ grows on trees. i swear 3pi, i really don't care for an early copy of it, just because the 'wannabe' hackers always rush the first couple of releases. leaving you patching their cracks. i was goanna wait to get it a little later, but i'll find it just to post the link for you here. and the rest of you holier than thou's can flame my post to your heart's content for all i care.


peace in,


Guest devil7

Peace people. That's what trance is about. Let's make this post a warm place to talk, not a fight-ring.

btw, let's all use KaZaA. If everyone here shares what we have, soon all of us will have all good softs and plug-ins ;-)


tanks...to all that agree with me..i thouth i was the only one thinking this way..

it´s just hard to thing those who don´t

i´ts all so obvious...


  • 4 months later...
Guest thesoul

yup; kazaa is a good solution.

also; not everyone is prince charles the fifth; havind a hundred gazillion english pounds stored away in his closet.

[i use a legal version of reason v2.0; and an illegal version of fm7. now go sue me! take me to the court! ]

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