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hi there.. how i open a wav sample in the logic vsti or in the piano roll?????

and how do i open a vsti like absynth fm7 in logic??????

thank's for yor help.


Guest reece

to the rescue again..... ;-)

btw, did my reply in your other topic help???....


firstly, you cant open a .wav in the matrix editor, the matrix is for midi data only.


to open a .wav in the arrange page, just click once on an AUDIO channel so its highlighted.

go to the AUDIO menu, choose IMPORT AUDIO FILE, choose the .wav u wanna use. bingo.


to select a VSTi, double click on an AUDIO INSTRUMENT in the arrange page, this will bring up the logic mixer page.

at the top of the channel u selected will be a little box. click and hold on this little box and a menu should appear listing all the available instruments. select the one you want.

(note: VSTi's should be installed in the 'Vst PlugIns' folder in the Logic Audio folder, if they are somewhere else, ie; in the cubase or fruity folder, logic wont be able to find them. just copy the .DLL to the logic>vst plugs folder if this is the case)


Good Luck!!! :-)


thanks reece..your help was very important....now i understand. i'm Almost there...

what i didnt understand is how i load for example a bass timbre (sample) in wav and put the notes on it.. the vsti i can do it now.... but with just a sample i dont know how?? i understand how to open a wav in the arrange page but there need to be with the melodie already made.. i want to make all my music on the logic....

and the last thing...how i export the music in wav format???? cause i again couldnt do it....

sorry about my stupied question......if you can answer...

thank's again......


Guest reece

hey baba, good to know my ramblings are helping you! :-)


ok i think what you are trying to do, if i understand you right, is load your bass sample (or whatever sound) into a sampler so u can sequence it??? (but why not just use a synth?)


anywayz, select the EXS24 from the same little menu where u select your VSTi's.

double click it so the actual instrument is displayed.

next to the black bar in the middle (ish) of the sampler is a little button called 'edit'.

press it.

a new page should appear.

go to the menu and select:


Instrument>>New Instrument

Zone>>New Zone

Group>>New Group


in the 'Zone #1' box that popped up, choose the .wav file you want to use in your sampler.

Underneath that in 'Group' set the option to 'Group #1'

close the page and save your new sampler instrument.

now on the black display bar on the sampler, choose the instrument u just saved.



for bouncing, go to the MASTER FADER in the mixer page, underneath the fader and the mute button, is another button "BNCE"

thats the bounce button!


let me know how ya go. :-)


hei reece, thank's agian...now i have everything i need.......

i just need 1 more thing......how i export my music in wav format????

i have already finished my first song in logic, with your help ofcourse, but i cant export it??? how i make it?????

and what is this bounce button...sorry about my ignorance.....cause i'm not from an english country and somethimes i get a little bit confused.....

by the way im from brasil....and do you like to hear some song's of mine??????

thank's again for helping me out.....and now i dont need more to use orion AND VEGAS.......thanks


Guest reece

cool man i would love to hear some of your work!

what kinda style you making?


btw, the bounce button is the export button!




hi reece...sorry for my stupiedness....hei i do some kind of a full on...

and you ???

you can hear some of my work in my site


go there and tell me what you think.....ok??

thank's again......

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