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Hey all...

I got my track to sound real nice on hi-fi systems and decent enough on regual stereos, but when using headphones the whole track sounds ugly, the kick and bass are smeary and distorted and in general, pretty bad... is this again due to over compression? Bad layering of frequencies? Why does it sound so good on Amps&Speakers but crappy on headphones?


Thanks in advance,


Guest reece

are your headphones fucked?

how does other music sound?


if they are cool, try lowering the volume



10x for your answers...

sphongled: obviously they can't but still my track should sound at least decent on phones (at least close to as good as other people's tracks)

reece: my headphones were really good neqw but they have like 10 years on them... anyways, most other music sounds ok enough... better than my track anyways...

Guest bodhisattva

You should do a graph analysis in Wavelab to check if your song aint to"flat"


In headphones flat songs sound verry distorted, on Hi fi sets its ok

(it KEEPS on sucking , but you dont hear it as wel as in HP).



I would say try to mix-down less hard and try again ........

Its probably your kick clipping over the rest in your original composition.

Do you use compressors , eq's loudnes gen's ? etc. ...... ?


The problem could also be in those thingys....





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