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i have been flummoxed with trying to get the ultimate fat juicy bass line. i own a micro q which i'd been using for bass for ages but am pissed off with the fact that it pushes the speaker more than it pulls and just dos'ent sound round enough. the tau pro however has a nice even wave and makes the speakers work as they should - nice and tight. but this dosent sound classy enough.


has anyone got good bass sound tips?

Guest spiralix

Buy yourselfe a nice analogue piece..

a good one for bass i MB33.. pretty cheep..

or korg mono/poly!! :)


you get the fatest basses with analouges


Yeah, Korg Mono/Poly! Wicked (not so) little synth! Fantastic sync sound too. Not cheap though...


Anyway, we were talking about bass sounds... If you want it "fat and juicy" I think a good way to go is overdrive; I use the standard Cubase VST plugin and this really thickens basslines nicely. I've not tried it with squelchy basslines too much but I reckon if you kke it subtle and roll off most of the top end you'll be OK.


But as for 'pushing more than it pulls', I don't know, maybe your ears are better than mine but I don't think it makes much difference. As long as there is no DC offset in the wave, the average travel of the cone is zero in ANY sound; sounds like you need some low EQ to sort your Micro Q out (a good high-pass/low cut filter at about 20Hz will do the trick).


To get a good fat bass sound that sits in the mix well, you need to do a lot of (appropriate!) compression. Plus, I find that cutting out everything below 50Hz and boosting the main pitch area around 65-80 Hz (depending on the key of the track) leaves a good space in the sub-bass area for the kick drum to wallop away in... ok, ok, I'll shut up now.




Wow Colin

thanks for that that helped me out some...




The Shambala Council


yea thx colin some good advice there m8;)


when i mean pushes more than it pulls its not neccesarily being able to hear it but more feel it. i check the sub by touching the cone and literally feeling what its up to. the problem i have is that the speker is working to hard in one direction. looking at the wave on an audio editor you can see that it spits out more amplitude down than up. i dunno too much about this really but i think that this can seriously effect the overall loudness of the track when the speaker is working too hard in one direction. and it sounds shite.

with the tau pro when i touch the speaker i can feel its a lot tighter and fuller and i can bring the level to the max.


i tried the overdrive on the bass but i think that the distortion worked better for me with a peak at around 100hz or so. jesus..... cant give too many secrets away!!!!!!




spiralix - youre right about analogue for bass!!!! longer waves need an analogous representation to sound just right. digital - not enough steps for it ....yet. unfortunately my budgetn wont stretch that fatr!!!!!

Guest psybrat

what does overdrive exactly do?? can this be explained or is it just try and hear it?


what about EQ and copmression to get a fat bassline??


Love and Light



i guess-

that u can make a good bass sound out of softsynths, just give it some overdrive)....my suggestion....try out the camelphat free plugin and hold on to ur boots, it has compressor and distortion designed for bass and kicks....and ofcourse dont forget to remove the very low rumble about the 20 hz...that can make a nice start point.


hope u make wonderfull music for us. )

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