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Guest parxal

i can use vst effects on audio tracks. but i can't use vst plugins(effects) on midi tracks, is that possible?

i use midi traks to run vst instruments like pro32 and fm7, but i can't apply vst plugins (effects) to that traks! help me!


Yes you can... just open the Channel Mixer and there should be buttons called INSERT for every audio and vst instrument channel.

Guest DeeperNETWERK

Hey... Common problem. You CAN NOT apply VST effects to raw midi files, only "midi effects". There should be a seperate channel for the VSTi, and that's the one you should work with. Press the little "e" (the one further to the top under the "w") and you'll get yoru EQ, Sends/Inserts to apply. To make it easier on yourself, open the track mixer and disable the showing of raw midi files by press the little midi plug at the very bottom left hand corner. That'll knock out all confusion and get you where you want to be.

Guest psy-fi

ok...could you take that one more time? i didnĀ“t get that (is it the button to the right or left of "W" or "R"??) "there should be a seperate channel for the VST, how do i find it??

lets say i have my miditrack with a melody or whatever, where do i go from here?? im new to all this...also i would like to be able to do things like fade in and such you easially can do with a audio-track.

Guest DeeperNETWERK

ok psy-fi... On the trackmixer, there are a bunch of icons for audio/groups/midi/vsti tracks so you can choose which ones you want visable, and ones you dont want to see. I personally, disable the midi track one (this is will just make all the raw midi tracks disapear not VSTi channels) it's the last one at the bottom, looks like a plug of a midi cable. leave the rest visable. That will sort out confusion if your not using any hardware. Now... Once you select the VSTi you want use... A visable channel will appear on the track mixer. This is the one the one you want to play around with which will give you VST effects (sends/inserts)/EQ/Group assignment/volume/pan/etc... If you plan to use lots of midi i'd read up one what it really is, and what it can do. Things like CC's are important, and this how you will do your fade in's and automation (if you choose to do it this way) SX makes it really easy to automate your VSTi's and effects without dealing with CC's (control commands).. I'll try to explain these really quickly.. In your midi editor... that column at the bottom of the screen that should by default give you your velocity for each note.. Alittle to the left there is a selection screen for all the CC's there are... Including Pan and Volume. These are mainly used for controller external synthesizers, but VSTi's work in the same manner, again, if you choose to do it this way. In prior versions of Cubase... This is how you had to do them. That annoying "write" track didn't cut it. ahem.. anyways. But to control panning and volume of VSTi tracks... You see that litle "+" sign on the bottom right of yoru individual tracks? click it and those are your automation tracks that will allow you to do anything you wish to do. If you have any other questions let me know. I live for this stuff. : D

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