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Guest meatballs

When a synth has say 16 voices and canonly play one midichannel at time, it can play 16 voices per midi channel..but how about a Virus which has 16 voices and can play 16 channels midi??? does it mean i can only play one voice per midi-channel? or does it mean that i can play 16 voices per midichannel?? or am i completely wrong about everything?? if so, please explain the whole situation..thanx


Guest Andreas of Amygdala

It usually means, that the 16 voices is total - but don't be alarmed though, it it will most defintely be possible to play say 5 voices on one channel, 2 on another and so on, for a total of 16...


If a patch uses more oscilators, that COULD mean, that a single note on that patch uses more voices - if you use four oscilators, the patch will spend a fourth of your multi-timbrality.


Hope this helps :)


.oO Andreas Oo.


from the access website

32-voice polyphony with 16-part multitimbral capability


That means at the extremes you could either play a 32 note chord on one midi channel or 2 notes on each of the 16 channels before running out of voices.

Thats all at once though, maybe that would be an issue for multitracked jazz piano chords but for trance 32 voices is rather large.


Yea some patches will use more voices but most synths have decent voice stealing algorithms.


basically its more than enough for psytrance :)

Guest meatballs

thanx..one more thing..if i play mono melodies instead of poly,then it only takes one voice from thew synth, right??? even if it coplex mono-melodies?


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