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Guest DeeperNETWERK

I want your guys opinions on this DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) with in the next 2 months (still in preproduction stage).


I've done a lot of research within the last few days about build a dedicated audio computer. I'm getting sick of dealing with internet, junk programs, etc... So i've decided to build my own. I've looked into buying a Mac, but after what i've read, now is not a good time for Mac. Little do people understand that they are really lagging behind with the huge movement PC is undergoing. You can build two 'pimped' PC's for the price of a 'nice' Macintosh. Not to mention that all my bought software is for PC. But anyways, this DAW will be dedicated to Nuendo 2.0 (when it comes out next month!!), with Cubuse SX 1.05.61 (or newest version), and Wavelab 4. Nothing else! That's it, except my OS which will be XP Professional. So check out these specs, if you got suggestions, let me know, i'm not really that knowledgable which the mechanics inside a computer.


Antec Power Case (Alienware) + Window and Neon Light upgrade

Dual Pentium 4 Xeon 2.4 gHz processors (hyperthread technology)

Supermicro P4DCE+ Motherboard + Dual Xeon support

1 gigabyte of Rambus Memory (800)

1x Western Digital Drive (30 GB) for OS and Installed programs

1x Seagate Barracuda 8mb cache (100 GB) for audio and sample storage

Sony Floppy Disk

128Mb ATI® Radeon 9700Pro 8X DVI out

Delta 44 w/ Omni I/O Breakout Box (this is my existing soundcard, i'll be upgrading to a Firestation or RME DSP Hammerfall in time)

USB 2.0, Firewire ports, etc...


That's it. I'm gonna have to take out a loan through my school to do this, and it's a matter of them allowing me to do so. So all my dreams may be flushed within just a few days, but I'm hoping it's go my way. So, whatta guys think? :D



Guest kits / faxanadu


How much money does all this total?



Kits / Faxamadu




Guest DeeperNETWERK

This system is gonna cost me a pretty penny, for sure. I havent' exactly sat down and calculated it all up yet, but I'm thinking in the 3,000 to 4,000 range. It's really gonna be worth it though.


Around 500 for the CPU's, 350 for the motherboard (!!! ouch !!!). hundred for the case, or so. 1000 on the rambus 250 on both drives, hundred for the video card, etc...


Nuendo 2.0 is gonna roughly cost me 900 dollars on top of that. Good thing i'm a registered 3.0/5.0/SX user. I get that discount on upgrades. :D

Guest kits / faxanadu

Looks like a great setup.

I'm thinking of buying a computer also.... either something like you described or a laptop along the same lines.... I have luna2 and will get a pulsar2 on top of it to finish it up... if i do get a laptop I'll probably leave the creamware setup on my current pc and get a delta or also like you an rme if it can be afforded.... a lot of money though.....


Good decision not to go for Mac.


Nothing wrong with having a dedicated computer if you can afford it. If you can't afford it then you can still have the same results by installing multiple copies of Windows XP. I have a second installation of XP that's just used for running cubase! This dedicated installation is much faster because it doesn't have a lot of junk in registry or system folder. I'd also consider changing to NTFS as well, because it's error free and much more efficient. If you have enough RAM then you can disable your swap file completely and this will allow your system to run at max speed!


The other thing you can do is create a 1gb partition and format in NTFS with 512 cluster size... Assign your swap file solely to this drive (for those that don't have enough ram to disable swap file!).

Guest kits / faxanadu

I don't want a bi-partition setup, I want two computers running at the same time doing diffrent things.

Guest DeeperNETWERK

Well, my point of buying a completely seperate computer for just music production is because i'm going into a professional field of post production recording. I'll have clients, and boss's, all things professional. I feel it's important, and also makes you look good when you have a clean slate computer as a dedicated DAW.


I have no news yet if this'll happen, as i've been very busy with my schooling. I'm actually on my break right now, came home to eat some food. I still have to go into the loan department and see if we can come to some sorta compromise.




look more into the pro's and con's of this 'hyperthread technology'

from what ive heard (yup, rumours and hearsay ;), the benefits dont really outweight the cost of such technology,.......... yet.....


go with highspeed DDR ram too, as RD Ram is being phased out..........



best of luck with ya DAW


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