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another mix


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Guest Clive Frog

Here's a tracklist from one of my mixes, tell me what u think.



Synthetic The Mummy

Bonky Red Levels

Altom Desperado

Noosphere Vector

Galaxy Angel Electrical Seance

Alien Project & DJ Gidi Beatwins Ufo

Exaile Tied Up

Sound Farmers Pitch Black

Shiva & Skazi By the Rivers...

Nomad Vacation Time

Parasense Seven Zero

GMS Zak & Kracht

Absolum Pulse

Talamasca & Sapce Cat Z Trancepose

GMS vs Skazi vs Parasense Boom Shankar




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Guest [tom jaimz]

No journey. Starts full-on, stays full-on, ends full-on. Boring. It doesn't feel like much thought has gone into it - it's just a full-on stomp.

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Guest [tom jaimz]

Alright, since Mike encouraged me, I think it's mixes like this that are repressing the lower classes and enforcing a rigid globalised class-based society run by a hedonistic oligarchy. From our roots as a global hippy culture I think it's important to trancend the parallels formed by the paradigms of this source - perhaps that's where the train left the station but if we wanted to get back to where we were we never would have left in the first place, you follow my meaning?


Remember your basic physics people. Two points on a circle with a circumference of a metre have a distance between them of a metre yet a displacement of nothing. What is progress if our displacement is forced into the insumountable zero? One step forward is fantastic and I'm also the first to applaud a step backward IF that's what's CALLED FOR. But if all we're doing is taking a step forward and then a step backward, then we just look like clowns doing a barn dance and THAT'S BAD FOR EVERYONE except maybe the More Barndancing Clowns Please factions, who, quite honestly, are starting to get on my nerves.


This message was brought to you by the numbers 5, pi, and a letter from your parents.

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well I have had the shittest day at work with a meeting with a bunch of complete buttmunches, and this thread has totally erased it all and makes me want to go all cartman and I LOVE YOU GUYS thank you phorum and the music behind it

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